AE/MS second graders once again put on quite a spread for their annual heart-healthy restaurant. In preparation, the students had to study about what foods are healthy and what makes a balanced diet. They practiced the math of adding money and making change. Finally, they had to make the decision of what they each wanted to provide for the restaurant and how to make the menu attractive to the visitors.
Both old favorites like shrimp cocktail, smoothies, and fruit kabobs; and new entries such as hearty chicken soup, elephant toes, and pickles made the restaurant the yummiest ever. Third graders were invited (as they had been the servers last year), and all AE/MS staff were encouraged to attend or order take-out. The children voted this year to give the money raised by the restaurant to the American Red Cross. We have a check on the way to them in the amount of $215.35!
Mr. Jensen and Ms. Hildebrand thank all the moms who came to help, and the moms and dads who helped with the food. The second graders “grazed” all day on the leftovers, went home exhausted and full, and performed a great service to the school and the Red Cross.