“Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful…
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”.
And it did, March 14, Town Meeting Day. As a result, the ASC Bake Sale had to be cancelled, as was the Town Meeting. The Town Moderator rescheduled the meeting for the following Saturday, but the weather forecast for that day was also predicted to be another snowstorm. It was therefore decided to err on the side of safety and cancel the sale entirely for this year.
Plans are now underway for “Christmas in October” at the ASC Jingle Bell Art & Craft Fair on October 28. Artists and crafters are invited to reserve a 9 foot X 10 foot space for $25, with or without a table and chair.
For more information and/or an application, e-mail maryo.asclub@nulllive.com or phone 603-735-4101 (after 10 AM)
The next ASC meeting will be on Wednesday, April 12, at 10 AM in the East Andover Grange Hall. The annual in-house auction is the special program for April. Any woman (young, old, or in-between) who would like to join us is welcome to attend.
Social Media Administrator is Needed
The ASC is hoping to find someone willing to volunteer his or her time posting ASC information on social media, the purpose of which is to publicize ASC events and fund-raisers. If you are interested, or would like more information, e-mail maryo.asclub@nulllive.com.