This is a busy but wonderful time of the year when we celebrate the gift of salvation given to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ, who gave his life for all of us by dying on the cross. We have many opportunities this Easter season to praise Him and give thanks.
The Andover Congregational Church will be hosting a “Fifth Friday Prayer and Praise” service on Friday, March 31 at 7 PM. People from Loudon, Boscawen, and the Milbrook Fellowship in Grafton will also be attending. All are welcome.
Palm Sunday will be celebrated on April 9 at 9:30 AM with a palm processional. The Maundy Thursday service (Christ in the Passover Seder Meal) will be held at the Grange Hall at 6 PM. A form of the traditional Jewish Passover Service will be observed. It will include all the elements of the Old Testament service as it points to the coming Savior and will conclude with Holy Communion. This service will also include a pot luck supper (no foods with leavened bread or pork).
The Church will be open on Good Friday from noon till 3 PM for private meditation and prayer. Also, on Good Friday, the Church will hold a Tenebrae Service at 7 PM. This helps us to be more grateful for what Jesus suffered for us and prepares us to celebrate Christ’s total victory on Easter morning.
Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 6:15 AM on Maple Street near the Graves homestead. This gives a beautiful view of the Church and Highland Lake. Following this service, breakfast will be served at the Grange Hall at 7 AM. Please join us for breakfast even if you don’t go to the Sunrise Service. Easter morning Worship Service/Celebration with special music will be held at 9:30 AM.
There are many opportunities to worship with us. Please join us. Always feel free to call the Church office at 735-5160 to speak with Pastor John Wagner for more information on what’s going on at the Church, or if you need help in any way.
Thought for the day: “A smile is your most important accessory”.