Special thanks to Steve Smith and Bob Harrington for running the Al Chadwick Ice Fishing Derby on Kezar Lake. It went real well, considering the cold and windy weather. The Club would also like to thank Murray Smith for letting us use his bob house as derby headquarters.
There were 34 brave fishermen who showed up for the derby despite the cold and windy conditions. Arthur Heino had the longest pickerel at 25¼” (nice fish!). Brian Pierson had the big perch at 12¼”, and Roddy Tanner had a nice bass at 17½”. It was a lot of fun. See you next year.
Kent Gustafson, Deer Project Leader for the State, spoke at our February meeting and answered our questions regarding hunting seasons, new laws, and how the deer herd is doing.
If anyone is interested in sending their kids to Barry Conservation Camp – the Club is sending three kids this year – please get a hold of Reggie Roy at 998-4827 as soon as possible, or any other officer of the club, or come to the next meeting for more information.
Anyone is welcome at our Club, any time, to listen to our programs. Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month, at 7:30 PM. If you would like to join the club or pay your current dues, see Kathy Kelley or call her at 934-4961.