The third graders hosted an Invention Convention for the town of Andover. We made inventions to help solve people’s problems and for the fun of them. The Invention Convention took place at the Andover Elementary/Middle School on March 8 from 1 to 2:30 PM. At 1 PM we went to the gym to set up our cardboard trifolds and inventions on the tables.
The first thing we did as inventors was to interview teachers, parents, and classmates about everyday problems. We did a survey about our own problems. We took the survey home and talked with our parents. It took a lot of thinking, but we eventually all came up with inventions. After that, we got our materials for our inventions. Then we started building. It took a while for some of us to make our inventions.
After all the hard work the third grade had done on their inventions, the invention convention finally came. When we got to school Wednesday morning, we started working on getting our inventions ready to display. We shared our inventions with our classmates. At the convention we set up our three-panel boards. The boards had a lot of our writing and research on them. Each third grader got their invention and brought it to the gym. All of the teachers, the judges, our parents, and AE/MS students came to the invention convention to see the inventions. Everyone thought that the inventions were very cool. Even the teachers and judges thought the inventions were awesome. The judges said our inventions were the coolest inventions they have ever seen. All of the kids that came to the invention convention loved all of the inventions that we made. Here are some people’s responses.
Talia, a second grader said, “Creative, and really cool, and awesome.”
Harley, a fourth grader said, “I think it was brilliant. I liked the animal inventions.”
Mrs. Crucitti said, “You inspired me to teach even more science to my class.”
We would like to say thank you teachers for making the invention convention fun and for giving us lots of time to think and build our inventions. We learned a lot and did tons of writing. Another group of people we should thank is the parents. Parents thank you for taking time out of work to come to our invention convention. We really appreciated it. We also need to thank the judges. They did a great job, and we know it wasn’t easy.
There are two students that will go on to represent Andover in the regional competition. They are Hannah Churchill with her bracelet that helps her organize her weekly events, and Zach Dudeck who made a fishing pole that lights up when you get a bite. Really, we were all winners, because we got to do cool work in school. The regional competition will be held on Sunday, April 2 in Hooksett, New Hampshire. Good luck Hannah and Zach!