Andover Service Club, April, 2017

By Mary Ofenloch, President

April has been a fairly quiet month for the Andover Service Club (ASC) members, except for the monthly baking of birthday cakes for Proctor students. At the April 12 meeting, which was held at the Highland Lake Grange Hall, business reports were read and discussed, future plans presented for approval, refreshments were served, and the annual in-house auction took place. Members brought their treasures on which interested members placed a bid. Any items not sold were donated to the Historical Society for their summer sales.

Future fundraisers will be the annual Slices for Scholarships, when slices of homemade pies, baked by the members, are available to the public on the 4th of July on the Town Green. This is a very popular event. Proceeds will benefit the ASC Merit Scholarship Program.

On Saturday, October 28, the Christmas in OctoberJingle Bell Fair will take place at AE/MS. Fine crafts and art will be for sale and ASC members will also be offering homemade baked goods, coffee, and tea for sale. Artists and crafters who would like to participate may email for an application or more information.

The next meeting on Wednesday, May 10 will be a special day for the members, as a field trip to King Arthur Flour Company in Vermont is on the agenda. After a short business meeting, the ladies will drive to King Arthur for an afternoon of lunch and shopping. This will be a very enjoyable time.

The ASC is always eager to invite new members who are interested in serving the community while meeting and making new friends. Ladies, young, old, or in between, are welcome to come to a meeting, or email for more information.