Blazing Star Grange May Events

Press Release

The Blazing Star Grange Hall in Danbury is the venue for May events that will feed the minds of the history lovers as well as the grumbling tummies. First up, on Thursday, May 18 at 7 PM, a Danbury history program unveils a farm slide show to accompany memorabilia and other agricultural tidbits. Last year, the focus of the grange history program was the town center. This year, the goal is to spread out into the country side to capture the beautiful homesteads of the community and talk more about the town’s agricultural happenings. Audience input on the folklore that accompanies these special places is encouraged. If you have Danbury artifacts, anything Danbury farm related, please bring them. To have photos or postcards scanned to be a part of the slideshow, please call Lisa at 252-4440.

Next up on Saturday, May 20 is the second of our five annual fundraising suppers. Served from 5 to 6:30 PM, the menu is roast pork, vegetables, mashed potatoes, applesauce, rolls, and dessert. It’s homemade and delicious. Take outs are available.

Looking ahead to July, in honor of Blackwater Grange, who consolidated with Blazing Star Grange and started the Andover Fourth of July festivities, plans are underway to have a parade float this year. Anyone with ties to Blackwater Grange is invited to join us on this special day. Please call Donna at 768-5579 to let us know. For more information on all our events, please check out: