Kenneth Cushing, author & historian, will be giving a presentation on the history of The Northern Railroad on Friday, June 2 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at the Blazing Star Grange Hall, located at 15 North Road, Danbury, New Hampshire 03230.
Ken will discuss the history of the trains that went through Danbury, surrounding towns, and throughout the state of New Hampshire, such as the Peanut, the New Englander, the Ambassador, the Boston & Maine, and trains that ran from Concord to White River Junction.
The Northern RR was a critical component in the mid-19th century and transported goods throughout the state. Milk trains were a common sight and extensive farming utilized the trains to ship produce, wool, and dairy products. Other industries that depended on trains included lumber operations, the exporting of garnet and other minerals, and ice was cut from local lakes and transported to Boston, Massachusetts.
Ken’s presentation will include details on when the Northern Railroad was chartered in 1844 to its abandonment in 1995, railroad stations that it served, some national disasters, and train wrecks on the line. Historical photos of the trains will be on display and Ken’s presentation includes a PowerPoint presentation.
Don’t miss it! The program is free to the public. Light refreshments and desserts will be served. Hope you can join us. Donations appreciated. The Danbury Historical Society 603-768-3603.