Meeting of FNRT-MC’s Board of Directors was convened by co-president Lindy Heim. Others in attendance were Nita Tomaszewski, Chris Norris, Heather Deardorff, Craig Heim, and guest Prescott Towle.
The meeting was held at Take Root Co. working Space in the Auerbach building, Franklin, New Hampshire.
Treasurer’s report was submitted by e-mail from Steve Darling. We have received $7679.85 in donations from recent annual solicitation, similar in amount to last year. 110 individuals made donations.
Correspondence was received from Chris Gamache approving application of herbicide as a trial vegetation control project on a six-mile section of rail trail in Franklin. The Board also received approval from Chris Gamache for a second trial program of using goats. This alternative program was proposed by Mary Anne Broshek of Andover. A section in Andover will be selected for the goat project, which will begin in June. The Board is happy for the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of the goat and chemical projects, probably in September.
Old Business:
Technology report: deferred in Steve Darling’s absence
Trail counts report: deferred
Signage: Heather made note of our discussion from last meeting and any further discussion or action will await Jack Shields’s return from vacation.
Maintenance: Blackwater Park culvert resurfacing will proceed this summer; Tom Frantz has discussed lighting with several people and this will be explored further; Vegetation control; Nita and Prescott discussed the permissions and timing of application, a special use permit is still required and Nita will facilitate this. Prescott is aiming for an application day in one week. The process will take 6-8 hours; Agreement with state on Memorandum of Understanding regarding work on trail deferred in Alex Bernhard’s absence; Call for Volunteers: Lindy reported on the success of this effort. Cathe Lisk stepped forward and has taken on the leadership of soliciting sponsors for our Web site page. She has contacted eight repeat sponsors and two new ones so far, a wonderful effort; Update on Pan Am abandonment of tracks in Concord: deferred in Alex’s absence; Trail walk with Federal DOT staff members: Lindy and Myra represented the FNRT-MC on this trail walk which occurred today. 10 people attended and received a handout on our trail history prepared by Alex. A good time was had by all.
New Business: None
Action Items: Deferred
Upcoming Meetings/Activities:
National Trails Day: no formal activity planned; July 4th table on Andover town green: Peter Southworth in charge of scheduling volunteers and conducting the bike raffle; Wilmot bandstand fundraiser: Lindy will contact FNRT volunteers who live in Wilmot to recruit for help with this; Participation in Concord Market Days celebration June 22-24. Heather noted the fun she had when she represented FNRT-MC several years ago. Volunteers to host our table will be sought.
Next meeting of the FNRT-MC Board of Directors is at 7 PM on Wednesday, June 21 at the Danbury Community Center, 15 High Street, Danbury, N.H.
Heather Deardorff was given an ovation for her enthusiastic participation on the FNRT-MC Board. Heather is moving to the Washington D.C. area.