Board Attendees: Alex Bernhard, Steve Darling, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Myra Mayman, Chris Norris
Guests: Allan Beetle (Laconia), Elaine Clough (Boscawen), Bruce Crawford (Boscawen), Ricker Miller (Andover), Prescott Towle (Epsom)
Co-President Myra Mayman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM; concluded at 8:15.
Business Matters:
- The Minutes of the May meetings were approved without amendment.
- The Treasurer’s Report was accepted unanimously.
A gratifying inflow of contributions from members and others over the last month, combined with preexisting funds, has led to a substantial cash balance. These funds will be used – as planned and committed – for a number of Trail maintenance projects that are now ongoing or soon to be.
The filing for another much-appreciated Brown Foundation grant has gone into its final stage.
Correspondence and recognition of a significant grant in memory of Tom Phelan of White Rock in Bow, a Trail enthusiast and user, was presented to the Board. Such memories are much appreciated.
- Tech Report. Heather Turner has finished the conversion of the FNRT-MC website to Word Press, which will allow easy updating by the Board. To accomplish this, a volunteer will be solicited; Lindy Heim believes that a good candidate has been found.
- Call for Volunteers. As indicated above, Lindy Heim has been pursuing a volunteer initiative, with significant success. In addition to website work – including a “Sponsor Page” — volunteers will represent FNRT-MC in a booth at the Concord Market Days
Volunteer NOTE:
We welcome volunteers! If you are interested, please contact Lindy Heim at
Trail Maintenance Projects: Various Maintenance Projects, all previously authorized, are now underway. It is estimated that the total expenditure for all projects described below will amount to around $15,000. The projects include:
- Bridges. Three Andover bridges are slated for railing replacement and decking repair: the Bridge Street bridge, the bridge south of Potter Place, and the bridge on South Short Street. In each case, new railings will be installed. In addition, our contractor – Rodney Judkins – will replace a few of the worst decking planks as needed to eliminate safety hazards.
Since the original contract for this work was concluded, the cost of lumber has increased, and more repairs may be needed. Thus, the Board authorized an additional $600 for this work.
As the Andover Snowmobile has in the past taken responsibility for decking maintenance, Alex asked Leon Nelson, the Club’s Trail Administrator, if they could repair the decking. Leon assured him that they would fix it.
- Culverts and Grading. Chris Norris and Ricker Miller have conducted an assessment of culverts along the Trail. Many are in need of cleaning and/or repair. This work is ongoing under Chris’ supervision.
At Blackwater Park, the Trail surface and a nearby culvert at Carr Field are in need of repair. Our contractor will add material, crown and grade the Trail in the culvert tunnel area – anticipated in the month of July.
A section of the Trail in East Andover (Dodge to Channel Streets) is in need of resurfacing. Ricker Miller is supervising this work, which will include raising and leveling the Trail – after culvert work is completed – to make it more resilient to runoff.
- Mowing. Arrangements have been made by Peter Southworth for our contractor – Jim Shaw – to undertake the same mowing operation as last year. This will begin as soon as possible, although no firm date is set.
The cost for this operation has increased about 10%. The Board, therefore, authorized a new expenditure level of $3000, an increase of $200.
A volunteer opening the gates along the Trail during the mowing operation would result in cost savings. We are hopeful that a person can be found; Lindy will put out a request.
In discussion, the desirability of stabilizing the cost and having a date certain for completion was recognized. It was agreed that mowing arrangements addressing these concerns should be secured next year during the early spring.
- Vegetation Control. The vegetation control plan that had been authorized last year has begun to be implemented, after permits from the State were obtained, and a first window of time determined.
On May 30, Prescott Towle, of Invasive Weed Control (Epsom), applied herbicides to a 7-mile section of the Trail in Franklin, where invasives have presented a continuing, unsolved problem. Signs and notifications to all users of the Trail on that day accompanied this one-day operation, applied to a 12-foot swath.
Poison ivy and Japanese knotweed continue to plague the Trail in this section. Other applications to deal with these problems at a time appropriate to their life cycle are under consideration.
The use of goats to control vegetation along the Trail – including poison ivy – has been under discussion. A local farmer has volunteered goats for an experiment, which would compare the efficacy of goats and herbicides. Photos of the Trail – before and after herbicide use — are the first data gathered. Similar photos will be taken, and other measures developed, when the goats are deployed.
Future Plans and External Coordination: As the Board is actively involved in the consideration of future Rail Trail developments, we were particularly happy to have guests in attendance to further such efforts.
- Abandonment of the Pan Am Right-of-Way between Boscawen and Concord Center. The possibility of extending the NRT from its current terminus in Boscawen into Concord Center presents a major opportunity for recreation and economic development. While State and local bodies are taking the lead in this, FNRT-MC expresses its strong support.
On June 30, members of the Board will join in a walk with State and regional officials along the entire 6 miles of the rail bed being abandoned by Pan Am, to consider its possibilities.
As the consideration of historical artifacts along the right-of-way is one of the objectives of the walk, Elaine Clough’s attendance at the meeting (Boscawen Historical Society) was appreciated.
- The WOW Trail in Laconia. Allan Beetle, President of the WOW Trail in Laconia, attended the meeting to initiate a general discussion about Trail management and improvement. The vision of the WOW Trail – from Meredith to Laconia – is an attractive part of an overall New Hampshire Rail trail system, and the Board welcomed Allan’s attendance and support.
- Water Resource Protections. In all operations on the Trail, the awareness of water resource and environmental protection is a paramount concern. The Board thus appreciated the attendance of Bruce Crawford, of the Penacook-Boscawen Water Precinct, to discuss this issue. Although all State permit and notification requirements were met in connection with the recent herbicide application, it was agreed that early notification and liaison with all interested parties is a benefit.
Future Dates of Note:
July 4 – FNRT-MC booth and bicycle raffle tickets at Andover Town celebration
July 19 – Board meeting, Franklin, 7 PM, at the “Take Root” facility, 359 Central Street
July 22 – Wilmot Bandstand food concession
July 29 – FNRT-MC table at Wilmot Farmers Market
August 6 – Andover Historical Society Old Time Fair at Potter Place
August 16 – Board meeting, 7 PM, Andover Fire House
Respectfully submitted, George Heaton