On Wednesday, June 14 the East Andover Village Preschool celebrated the end of a great year with a musical program and family cookout. Each of our preschoolers had their own unique accomplishments to be celebrated. Some left their families for the first time this year, some learned to write their names, or zip their jacket, or how to join in play, or take turns. Everyone tried new things, made discoveries, learned to advocate for themselves, and made new friends.
Two of our teachers, Julie Friedline and Lawre Goodnow, are both moving out of state this summer and will not be joining us in the fall.
Lawre was the only returning teacher when Julie and I joined her here at EAVP two years ago. She is the one who kept the EAVP culture and traditions alive. Inspired by the children’s ideas, Lawre brought creativity and vision to our days. She listened to children and held them accountable. She had never-ending ideas for fun learning activities and seemed to have any materials we needed at home in her basement! She taught us the “Old Gray Cat” game (a favorite!) and brought the “banana phone song” to our classroom.
In the summer of 2015 when Lawre and I were facing starting school without having hired a third teacher yet, one August morning while we were working to get the classroom ready, I said to Lawre “I wish the perfect person would just walk through the door!” Later that afternoon my wish was granted – Julie walked in and we couldn’t have asked for a better addition to our team! Julie is the model of patience and kindness. She’s been our royal dressmaker, gardener, leader of dramatic play and so much more.
For these two ladies, teaching at our school has been more than just a job- it has been a huge part of their lives. They have come in on weekends to prep for the week, donated items from their homes to make our classroom function more smoothly, stayed late for conferences, joined us on weekend hikes, and loved your children unconditionally!
The children and I would like to express our gratitude and it is our hope that Lawre and Julie know that they have made an impact on our lives and that they will be missed!
The school house is empty for the summer, but we are busy getting ready for the fall! We still have a few openings available. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please call the school at 735-5105 or e-mail us at eavp@nulltds.net.