Thank you rail trail volunteers Patrice and Steve Rasche, Prescott Towle, Pecco and Gail Beaufays, Terri Hook, Charlie Baer, and Ken Leonard who helped board members highlight the features of the 58 miles of trail Andover and nearby towns enjoy.
Raffle tickets will be on sale again both from 9 am to noon on July 29th at the FNRT-MC info booth at theWilmot Farmers’ Market and from 9 am to 2 PM on Sunday, August 6th at the Andover Historical Society’s Old Time Fair in Potter Place.
The raffle prizes are a Trek hybrid bicycle and two nights at the Highland Lake Inn along with gift certificates to the Flying Goose restaurant, Jake’s Market, Pizza Chef, Belletetes, and EMS Sports. Call Peter at 344-4874 for info or to buy a ticket.