Text: The South Danbury Christian Church invites you to join us on Thursday, December 21 (snow date December 22) for the annual South Danbury Christmas Pageant, a special gathering celebrated by Yankee magazine and “enshrined as a community event.” Enjoy music and song from young and old, as well as the Barrett family band – Keith, Sam, Max, and friends – who will entertain us with toe-tapping versions of holiday favorites. Last year’s Paper Bag Pageant returns for an encore, with plenty of props for everyone who wants to be part of the tableau. There will be delicious Yuletide treats, and maybe ‑‑ if we’ve all been very good ‑‑ a visit from Santa. All are welcome!
Watch for posters, and follow “Friends of Danbury” and “Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church” on Facebook for more details.
For more information, call 603-491-3196 or send an email to southdanburychurch@nullgmail.com.