AE/MS First Grade Visits Apple Orchard


Back row (l-r): Kiara Caron, Micah Allenby, William Watkins,Dante Delaney, Griffin Mitchell, Lilly Keyser, Aiden Sava, Ellie Keyser. Middle row (l-r): Sadie Foulds, Leo Jones, Finn Jones, Kian Ordway, Mason Hardie, Lylah McDaniel, Nate Holmes, Cayla Johnson, Jameson Neal. Front: Scarlett Drewry and Maryrose Davis
Willy the Cat getting a little love and attention from a first grade friend
Peter watches as Scarlett Drewry throws an apple into press to make cider

The first graders visited Peter and Mary at Highland Lake Apple Orchard in early November. The first graders learned about male and female pine cones, bees and pressing apple cider. They collected and picked enough apples to make delicious apple crisp for the whole school. Willy the Cat made a special appearance during the visit! The AEMS community is grateful that Peter and Mary continue to be so generous to our school.