Danbury Expands Farmers Market Options
The cold is settling in which means it’s winter farmers market season at the Grange Hall in Danbury. Held every first Saturday of the month from 9am-1pm, the market is entering its 11th season. Like a well-oiled machine, the market runs from November to April and is THE place to experience community and support local farms and artisans. You will find two floors of vendors offering meats, eggs, honey, syrup, a plethora of crafts, vegetables, cannolis and other baked goods.
The news this year is that the Danbury Winter Market has increased its customer buying options this winter with the addition of a 3rd Saturday, by order only, market. Also operating November through April, this market requires advance orders from vendors, either by traditional methods or through the use of an online marketplace at harvesttomarket.com for the Danbury Winter Market. The customer places their orders and the vendors deliver them to the grange hall. The customers come between 9 and 11am to pick up and pay for their products. It’s a market without a market. The Harvest to Market site opens on the Monday after each market and closes on the Thursday before each market at noon. At this time, participating online vendors are Huckins Farm, Pleasant View Arts, Margaret Hoyle Socks, and Huntoon Farm.
The Blazing Star Grange, sponsor of the winter market, hopes that this will increase vendors’ sales and answer customers’ pleas for increased access to local buying. It will also be another opportunity to serve customers that might have other commitments on the first Saturday or do not have storage or finances to shop just once a month. Registering at harvesttomarket.com is free with the option to subscribe to the market newsletter for updates. As long as the business is a regular market vendor, the minimal cost of using the Harvest to Market website will be covered by the grange.
Another benefit of the open hall pickup hours is the opportunity for the Grange to again offer Saturday workshops and programs. Having scaled back events to accommodate the growing number of vendors, the additional days allow for increased programing opportunities. Our first event will be held on Jan 20th at 9am. Maria Polizzi from Danbury will lead a Stampin Up class. Participants will have fun creating three unique cards for a donation of $7. To keep costs low, pre-registration by January 15th is required. Sign up at the market on Jan 6th or by emailing blazingstargrange71@nullgmail.com .
For information about both markets, visit blazingstargrange.org, follow us on Facebook at Blazing Star Grange of Danbury NH or call Donna at 768-5579.