Alice Rolfe of the Webster Congregational Church appointed Terry Ohlson Martin to spearhead a project to give every resident of Merrimack County Nursing Home a handmade quilt, blanket or afghan. After hearing the number of residents (290) at the nursing home and (29) at the assisted living, Terry turned to FaceBook! From October until December 20, 2017, many dedicated individuals have delivered 334 items from many church communities in the state. Deliveries were made from California, Massachusetts, Georgia, and Virginia – all connected in someway to the original Church bulletin, social media and word of mouth. At one point the group wasn’t sure they would make the goal and Terry said “Let’s turn this over to God and see what happens “
! Terry met with Mary Heath last Wednesday to see the final results. The next day the activities department started letting residents pick out their own blanket, quilt, or afghan. We will never know all of the names of those that contributed to this project but our residents greatly appreciated it. It was so much fun to see all of the styles,the variety of patterns and colors that were used, and also heartwarming to see how this project grew from a few blankets at a time to well over the goal of 290!!