First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, March 1, 11am-12 noon
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a moderate, one-hour hike on The Fells property. Get a little exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk. www.thefells.or
Coming Soon: The Cougar Comes to the East – Sue Morse
Friday, March 16, 7 to 8:30 PM
Join Sue Morse of Keeping Track for a fascinating introduction to cougar biology and ecology through her photographs and the latest confirmations of cougars in the east. This program can be combined with a group hike on the following day for a discounted fee for both events. Presentation only: members: $15, non-members: $20. Combined presentation and hike: members $35, non-members: $45. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x. 3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Group Hike: Tracking Animals by Understanding Habitat – Sue Morse
Saturday, March 17, 9 to noon
Sue Morse of Keeping Track leads a moderate 3-hour hike (or snowshoe!) to teach us how to recognize and interpret wildlife signs, paying particular attention to the relationship between the animals and their habitat. Hike only: members: $25, non-members: $30. Combined presentation and hike: members: $35, non-members: $45. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x. 3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Out and About at The Fells: Sweet Winter and Signs of Spring!
Tuesday, March 27, 10-11am
Join the Lake Sunapee Protective Association’s education staff as we follow spring’s amazing awakening and progress. For pre-school age children and their caregivers. Free. No reservations necessary. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, April 5, 11 to noon
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a moderate, one-hour hike on The Fells property. Get a little exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
Vegetable Gardening
Saturday, April 7, 10 -11:30 AM
Master Gardener Roz Mason guides you through the process of planning your vegetable garden with essential tips on how to establish a garden, what to plant, what critters to expect, and unique ways to grow some of your favorite veggies. Open to all, requested donation $10. Advance Registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Design Your Own Full Season Cut Flower Garden
Saturday, April 14, 10:30 to noon
Liz Krieg is a well-known horticulture lecturer throughout New England. Her vast knowledge of landscape design and cut flower farming will be put to good use, while helping you to understand how to design your own personal cutting garden. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Out and About at The Fells: Pools of Mud and Magic!
Tuesday, April 17, 10 to 11AM
Come and explore magical spring surprises full of new life! Peeping frogs, squirming salamanders and emerging turtles will be the stars of our April activities. Join the Lake Sunapee Protective Association’s education staff in this program for pre school age children and their caregivers. Free. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Vernal Pool Adventure Walk for Families
Sunday, April 29, 11 to 12:30 PM
Bring the whole family for a learning experience at one of The Fells vernal pools and discover who lives there and why these temporary habitats are so important. Led by Lake Sunapee Protective Association Education Director Kathleen Stowell. Fells and LSPA members: free, non-members: $5 per family. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Let’s stop here for this issue. We can do the next couple months in the next issue.
First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, May 3, 11am-12 noon
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a moderate, one-hour hike on The Fells property. Get a little exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
Thursday’s Child at The Coach House Restaurant
Thursday, May 3, 5:30-9pm
Thursday’s Child at the Coach House Restaurant at the New London Inn supports local community non-profits one plate at a time—donating 50 percent of each Thursday evening’s net proceeds to a designated organization. We hope that you will join us for the benefit of The Fells. Savor a five star meal and enjoy the fellowship of Fells supporters. Tables fill fast, so get your parties together and reserve now. Call 603-526-2791 or go to
Birding by Sight and Sound
Saturday, May 5, 7:30-9am
Join local expert Peter Newbern for an early morning, easy to moderate bird walk around the grounds of The Fells. Learn some tricks about how to identify bird songs and calls by interpreting what it seems like they are singing. Members: free, non-members: $8. To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
National Public Gardens Day
Friday-Sunday, May 11-13, 10am-4pm
Join The Fells in a nation-wide celebration of public gardens. Explore the beauty of The Fells and discover the colorful spring blooms in the Rock Garden and the fragrant blossoms of early flowering trees and shrubs. Admission is free to all the entire weekend. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Heather Pruning
Saturday, May 12, 9:30-11:30am
Learn about gardening with hardy and beautiful heather while tending The Fells Heather Bed with members of the Northeast Heather Society. Free to all. Advance registration requested, call 603-763-4789 x3.. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Heather Bed near the Rock Garden.
Invasive Plants and Good Substitutes for your Garden – Henry Homeyer
Saturday, May 19, 10:30am-12 noon
Join garden writer Henry Homeyer, The Gardening Guy for this indoor and outdoor workshop. Begin with a presentation about common invasives and the non-invasive plants that can be substituted for them. Learn what techniques an organic gardener can use to get rid of invasives. Conclude with a walk around the Fells, looking for invasives and their substitutes. Members: $15, non-members: $20. Advanced registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Members Opening Reception
Friday, May 25, 5-7pm
Join fellow Fells supporters in celebrating the opening of the 2018 season! Be among the first to see the exciting new Gallery Exhibits and take a peek at some of the newly installed Art In Nature Sculpture, stroll the gardens fragrant with spring blossoms and view the new history and ecology exhibits. Free. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Gallery Exhibit: Frances Weston Hoyt: Bringing Light to Life
May 26-October 8, open during Main House Hours
Frances Weston Hoyt was a well-respected, classically-trained landscape artist who spent the last 30 years of her life painting and teaching in New London. Her works are stunning and capture the beauty of light and atmosphere. Included with regular admission fee. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Gallery Exhibit: The Distant View:
Painters Who Painted with Frances Weston Hoyt
May 26-October 8, open during Main House Hours
This exhibit features nine accomplished landscape painters who have painted with Frances Weston Hoyt. Discover how these painters use light and shadow, and a prismatic color palette to capture the beauty of nature. Included with regular admission fee. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Native Turtles of NH
Saturday. May 26, 10-11:30am
Join Joshua Megyesy, a biologist with New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, as we learn about the challenges our turtles face and what we can do to help. This program, designed for elementary school age children through adults, will include an indoor presentation, followed by an easy hike to turtle habitat on the grounds of The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3.
Out and About at The Fells: Spring Babies, Blooms and Bugs!
Tuesday, May 29, 10-11am
May bursts forth with the colors and sounds of Spring! We will investigate the best of the Spring Season. Join the Lake Sunapee Protective Association’s education staff in this program for pre-school age children and their caregivers. Free. No reservations necessary. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
In the Company of the Light of John Hay – Dave Anderson
Thursday, May 31, 3-5pm
The first in a three-part series of summer evening programs led by Forest Society Naturalist and Director of Education, Dave Anderson, (other dates are June 14 and June 21.) Join Dave on the Veranda as he reads several passages from John Hay’s writings—each inspired by John Hay’s boyhood rambles at The Fells and Lake Sunapee. Co-sponsored by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The Fells. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Brook Trout in Beech Brook
Tuesday, June 5, 4-5:30pm
John Magee, a Fisheries Biologist and Fish Habitat Program Leader with New Hampshire Fish and Game, will lead us as we explore Beech Brook, its history and habitat. We begin with a visual presentation, followed by a walk to streamside where we will use electrofishing techniques to survey the trout population. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Suitable for 4th grade through adult. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
7th Annual Plant Sale: Member Preview
Friday, June 8, 4-5pm
Members, join us for this special early bird shopping. We have an array of outstanding plants, including specialty alpines and rock garden plants, as well some sought after signature plants. Receive 10% off all Fells plants, get advice from our expert landscape staff and be sure to visit our White Elephant table. Held at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Pebble Court rain or shine.
27th Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, June 9, 8:30-11:30am
Buy quality, well established plants and shrubs propagated and field dug from The Fells very own gardens, as well as from the region’s finest nurseries. Also Fells signature, specialty alpine, and rock garden plants. You’ll also find unique garden art and a white elephant table overflowing with gently used clay pots and landscape tools. Tours of our Main House and gardens will be offered free of charge beginning at 8:30am to all shoppers. Members, bring your membership cards and save 10% on all Fells plant purchases! The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Pebble Court at the Main House.
Hidden History of The Fells
Thursday, June 14, 3-5pm
Join Dave Anderson, Forest Society Naturalist and Director of Education and get off the trail for a moderate 1.5 mile hike to explore some of the less well known features of The Fells including evidence of the Great Hurricane of 1938, which devastated much of New England. Co-sponsored by The Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The Fells. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789×3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
Time Before New Hampshire: The Land & Native Peoples
of the Sunapee Region
Saturday, June 16, 2-5pm
Join Michael Caduto as we explore the traditional land use stewardship of the Alnôbak, the impacts they have had on their surroundings and how the land has, in turn, molded their culture. Includes an engaging interpretive walk along the Fells trails to look at indigenous uses of native plants for food and medicine. Members: $10, non-members: $15, children under 18: $5, families $25. Advanced registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Winter With The Loons!
Tuesday, June 19, 4-5pm
Where do our loons spend the winter? How do they survive? Kittie Wilson has been documenting the lives of loons for many years and will enchant you with stories, songs, and amazing photographs. Open to all, requested donation $10. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
The Fells Main House Commences Summer Hours
Wednesday-Sunday, June 20-September 3, 10am-4pm
The Main House is now open 10am-4pm Wednesday through Sunday June 20-September 3. Discover what life was like on an early 20th century New Hampshire summer estate. See new exhibits in history, ecology and art. Take an historic guided self-guided tour of the 22-room Colonial Revival Main House, explore the renowned gardens and sculpture, build a fairy house in the children’s Fairy Village and experience the natural world on an easy hike along one of our scenic trails. Our Plant Stand located in the Gatehouse Courtyard is open daily, 10am-4pm. Site admission applies. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Returning to the Source of the Brook
Thursday, June 21, 4-7pm
Join Forest Society Education Director, Dave Anderson, for a spectacular summer solstice evening hike to reach the source of Beech Brook and the summit of Sunset Hill, ancestral Hay family summer picnic grounds. This is a rugged 2+ mile off-trail hike. Co-sponsored by the Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The Fells. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
John Hay, Friend of Giants
Friday, June 22, 3-4pm
We are pleased to welcome back author and historian Philip McFarland, author of
John Hay, Friend of Giants: The Man and Life Connecting Abraham Lincoln, Mark
Twain, Henry James, and Theodore Roosevelt to The Fells. Members: $10, non-members: $15. Advanced registration is requested. Register online here or call 603-763-4789 x 3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
An Afternoon of Sculpture and Jazz
Sunday, June 24, 3-5pm
Join us for the opening of our new outdoor sculpture exhibit and the music of the Michael Parker Jazz Ensemble amid the beautiful gardens and landscape of The Fells. For tickets call 603-763-4789 x3.
“Raptor Encounter” – VINS
Wednesday, June 27, 1-2pm
Live falcons, hawks and owls provide the lens through which we examine food webs,
predator-prey relationships and the interdependence of the systems that support life. This first-hand encounter enables participants to understand the defining
characteristics that make a bird a raptor and their adaptations for life as a predator on the wing. Suitable for all ages. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Gardening as if the World Depends on Us
Saturday, June 30, 10am-12 noon
Worried about the world? Take action! Actually, just by being a gardener, you are
already making a big difference. Join Tovah Martin, one of this country’s “best known” garden writers, as she shares ideas from gardeners who rallied their acreage in backyards large and small to make a difference; followed by a Senses Training Tour of The Fells gardens. Members: $25, non-members: $35. Meet The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
First Thursday Sculpture Hike at The Fells
Thursday, July 5, 11am-12 noon
Join Curator Janet Miller Haines for a moderate, one-hour hike as you tour the new contemporary sculpture exhibit set amid the beautiful gardens and landscape of The Fells. Get a little exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and learn about the various artists and their work. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Newbury Free Days
July 7-8, 10am-4pm
The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens is proud to be part of Newbury’s history and extends an invitation to Newbury residents, town employees, civic volunteers, and their immediate families to tour the gardens, trails, and Main House free of charge throughout the entire weekend. Please check in at the Kiosk to register for a drawing for a complimentary Household membership and thanks for visiting!
Kids in Nature Camps – Photography
Monday-Thursday, July 9-12, 9am-12 noon
Budding young photographers join instructor David Greenfield for a four-day workshop to learn the essentials of nature photography and composition. Bring your own camera (no phone cameras, please). Members: $50, non-members: $75. Advance registration required by July 5, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Kids in Nature Camps – Watercolor
Monday-Wednesday, July 16-18, 9am-12 noon
Join local artist Debbie Campbell for a three-day workshop on the essentials of
watercolor painting. Students will express their creativity while learning
about color, composition, perspective and watercolor techniques. Members $35, non-members $50. All materials provided. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Art in Bloom
Thursday-Sunday, July 12-15, 10am-4pm
Experience the art of our current Gallery exhibit, through the eyes of talented local floral designers. See how they interpret the painted canvas through innovative floral designs—from a single stem set in the perfect vase to an elaborate arrangement. Members: free, non-members: included in regular admission fee. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Floral Design Demonstration
Friday, July 13, 1:30-2:30pm
Watch professional floral designer Robert Jensen as he interprets a painting or sculpture from the current exhibit. Learn how to select materials and containers and create style, shape and color. Members: $5, non-members: $15. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Artists Weekend
Saturday-Sunday, July 14-15
Sunday – Wet Paint Sale and Reception: 3-4:30pm
Discover the natural beauty and gardens of The Fells through the eyes of prominent
New England artists as they create en plein air. Visitors are invited to observe artists
interpret the landscape and watch as their paintings come to life and to discuss their
individual techniques and learn what inspires them. Select artists demonstrate special artistry methods. Sunday culminates with a 3pm reception of tea and treats, an exhibit of the weekend’s paintings and a wet paint sale. Note that Sunday’s reception is free to all beginning at 3pm and that paintings may be purchased off the easel anytime on Saturday or Sunday. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Garden Tour
Friday, July 20 and Saturday July 21, 10am-3pm
Tour four fabulous private gardens.
Veranda Concert with Opera North
Sunday, July 22, 5-7pm
Enjoy delightful music and performances, hearty hors d’oeuvres, and cocktails. $40 per person. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Owls and Their Calls – VINS
Wednesday, July 25, 1-2pm
Did you know that not all owls hoot? This program features live birds, along with photos and audible sounds of the local owls and their calls. This first-hand encounter enables participants to understand the characteristics and adaptations for life as a nocturnal predator on the wing. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Advanced registration is requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Fairy Festival
Sunday, July 29, 1-4pm
This celebration of Fairy Houses connects children to the natural world and includes crafts, a whimsical Tea Party on the Veranda and building of fairy habitats in The Fells Fairy Village. Children are invited to dress in their finest Fairy or Gnome attire. Members: adults $10, children $5, non-members: adults $20, children $10 (includes site admission.) Tickets in advance or at the door. Reserve online or call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
First Thursday Sculpture Hike at The Fells
Thursday, August 2, 11am
Join Curator Janet Miller Haines for a moderate, one-hour hike as you tour the new contemporary sculpture exhibit set amid the beautiful gardens and landscape of The Fells. Get a little exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and learn about the various artists and their work. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Exemplary Country Estates of New Hampshire
Saturday, August 4, 2pm
In the early 20th century, the New Hampshire Board of Agriculture launched a program to boost the rural economy and to promote tourism through the sale of abandoned farms to summer residents. Join Cristina Ashjian as she focuses attention on some of the great country estates featured in the state publication New Hampshire Farms for Summer Homes between 1902 and 1913. Event is free and open to the public. This event is generously supported by a grant from the NH Humanities. Advance registration requested, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Best of Bluegrass and Barbeque
Sunday, August 5, 5-8pm
Brothers House of Smoke brings authentic southern style barbeque to The Fells. To accompany the smoky heat, enjoy a pairing of ice cold brew and awesome upbeat energized music. $50 per person. Reservations requested, call 603-763-4789 x. 3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Veranda Concert with Cyn Barrette
Sunday, August 9, 5-7pm
Enjoy wonderful music, hearty hors d’oeuvres, and cocktails. $40 per person. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Veranda Concert with Nancy Tripp
Sunday, August 26, 5-7pm
Enjoy wonderful music, hearty hors d’oeuvres, and cocktails. $40 per person. Held on The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Main House Veranda.
Hay Day Family Festival
Sunday, August 12, 10am-2pm
A fun-filled day for all ages with old-fashioned games, music, children’s art projects,
scavenger hunt, petting zoo, face painting, and more. Explore nature trails, create a
fairy house in the Fairy Village, discover Art in Nature 2018: Outdoor Sculpture exhibit and other new art and history exhibits in the Main House. Step back in time and take a historic tour of the Main House and gardens, or simply imagine a simpler bygone life while relaxing on the Veranda. A delicious lunch from the grill and strawberry shortcake will be for sale from 11am-1:30pm. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
The Fells Main House Commences Fall Hours
September 3-October 8, 10am-4pm
The Main House is now open 10am-4pm weekends and Monday Holidays, September 2-October 9. Discover what life was like on an early 20th century New Hampshire summer estate. See new exhibits in history, ecology and art. Take an historic guided tour of the 22-room Colonial Revival Main House, explore the renowned gardens and sculpture, build a fairy house in the children’s Fairy Village and experience the natural world on an easy hike along one of our scenic trails. Our self-serve Plant Stand located in the Gatehouse Courtyard is open daily, 10am-4pm. Site admission applies. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, September 6, 11am–12 noon
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little
exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
A Murder Mystery Evening: Dinner, Death and Dessert
Saturday September 8, 5:30-8pm
Enjoy an evening of bribery, extortion, murder and mayhem at The Fells. Dress in period clothing or black tie and you may be included as a “character” at the dinner party given by Alice and Clarence Hay at the Estate in 1925. 5:30pm cocktails, 6pm dinner. $100 per person. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Take a Child Outside Week
September 24-30, 10am–4pm
In cooperation with Take a Child Outside Week, an international program created to help and encourage children discover the natural world, The Fells extends an invitation to “Bring a child, receive one free adult admission.” Be part of this national movement and bring a child to The Fells to experience the beauty of our natural world. All children are free. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Museum Day Live!
Saturday September 22, 10am-4pm
Museum Day Live! is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. The Fells is honored in joining participating museums and cultural institutions across the country who provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day Live! ticket. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Fungi Foray
Sunday, September 30, 1-4pm
Montshire Mushroom Club members, Maynard Wheeler and Jill Montgomery, present an introduction to fungi for beginners followed by a foray amid the rich Fells woodlands and ending with an identification session. Bring a basket and knife. Members: free, non-members: $10. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 X 3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Gatehouse.
Special First Thursday Hike- Family Friendly Fall Foliage at The Fells
Thursday, October 4, 4-5pm
Join Dave Anderson, Education Director for the Forest Society, and Brick Moltz,
Education Director at The Fells, for an outdoor celebration of our beautiful New
Hampshire native trees. Learn to identify the major species and take home your own
waxed example of NH foliage at its finest! Co-sponsored by Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The Fells. Advance registration required, call 603-763-4789 x3. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
Christmas at The Fells Preview Gala
Friday, November 2, 5-7pm
Enjoy holiday cheer and sumptuous appetizers. Mingle with the decorators and shop ahead of the crowds at the fabulous Boutique. You won’t want to miss this magical evening. $100 per person includes return ticket. Reservations required. Reserve on-line or call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens,
Christmas at The Fells: Holiday Decorator Showhouse and Boutique
November 3-11, 10am-3pm
Tour The Fells Main House and get inspired! Professional interior designers, floral artists, decorators and talented volunteers have sprinkled their magic throughout to create this one-of-a-kind showcase. Tickets are: $20 in advance through October 28, $26 at the door, $5 for children. Dining Room Café open weekends. Our Holiday Gift Boutique features the finest regional artisans. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Christmas at The Fells: Ladies Night
Wednesday, November 7, 5:30-7:30pm
Ladies, this is your night! Join us for an unforgettable pre-holiday season event! There is no better time to view the beautifully decorated historic Main House than in the evening. Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, door prizes, the best boutique shopping you can find anywhere, and a return ticket. Tickets: $45 in advance or at the door, call 603-763-4789 x3. The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens.
Second Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, November 8, 11am
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little
exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.
First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, December 6, 11am
Join Brick Moltz, Education Director at The Fells, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little
exercise, spend time out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meet at The Fells Historic Estate and Gardens Kiosk.