New Photo Exhibit at Town Office Building

By Larry Chase
Wild Irises by Andover photographer, Cindy Benson.

The nature photography of Andover resident Cindy Benson has been on exhibit since early March in the meeting room of the Andover Town Offices Building on Main Street in Andover Village.

A photo of the Keniston Covered Bridge is one of many on display at the Andover Town Office Building. The photos are the work of local photographer Cindy Benson

Comprising 32 color images ranging in size from 3″x5″ to 11″x14″, the work captures a range of Andover-area scenes, familiar and unfamiliar, in close-up and panoramic views, and in

all seasons.  Taken mostly with an iPhone 7 over the last two years, the photos “are meant to capture the beauty of each season.” They will be on display throughout the spring.

The exhibit space is being managed by the Andover Institute, which also organizes the Independence Day Photo Contest on the Andover Green, and the occasional Photo Expo.  If you would like to have your photography or artwork considered for display in the Town Offices Building, contact Jay Fitzpatrick at

The meeting room is open to the public during regular town office hours.