Planning Board Approved Minutes 3/27/18

By Lisa Meier

March 27, 2018

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Randall Costa, Vice-Chair; Paul Currier; Doug Phelps; and Art Urie

Also present for duration of appropriate items: Pat Moyer, Zoning & Planning Coordinator; Peter Sanborn

Minutes of February 27, 2018

Urie – Motion to approve as amended
Teach – Second
Vote – Unanimous

Announcements / Correspondence

1. Nancy thanked the board members for their help on the Warrant Articles.
2. Nancy reminded the board members that they have to be careful of any representation given to prospective property buyers.
3. Victor Manougian provided the Environmental Sound Evaluation for the Verizon Cell Tower.
4. The board will complete the Organization of the Board at the April 10, 2018 meeting.

Update from Planning and Zoning Coordinator – Pat Moyer

1. Moyer distributed updated contact information for the board members to verify.
2. A prospective buyer for 72 Main Street is requesting documentation that the town has accepted the apartment as an approved ADU. There is no record indicating a separate apartment is approved in this location.  Currier stated that a seller can give the prospective buyer permission to act as their agent to come before the board for ADU approval. The seller can also apply for an approval for an ADU.
3. 4 Mill Road was purchased and the new owner has inquired whether he needs to come before the board for Site Plan Review prior to applying for a building permit. It was stated that he needs a permit to do demolition to the interior without Site Plan Review.  In order to do actual construction, a Site Plan Review is necessary.
4. There was a 4-lot subdivision previously done on Flaghole Road and lots 2 and 3 were to have a shared driveway.  The person interested in purchasing lot 2 inquired whether they would be allowed to have their own driveway as they cannot determine the property line.  It was stated that a survey would be necessary.
5. The Town Sign Ordinance was distributed to board members for review at a future meeting.
6. Moyer will follow up with Dan Merzi pertaining to Site Plan Review.

Non-Binding Consultation: Peter Sanborn –  lot bounded by Class VI Roads – build a residence on Tax Map 21, Lot 524,028, located in the Forest / Agricultural District

Peter indicated he would like to construct a single family dwelling on a lot that is bounded by three Class VI roads – Morey Hill Road, Twist Hill and Dawes Road.  He has met with the Selectboard regarding this proposal and the Selectboard explained the statute and town policy for building on a Class VI road. The Selectboard asked the Road Agent for his opinion on constructing on this lot and he stated that Sanborn has maintained the road and he has no concerns with him constructing the residence.  A diagram of the location was presented. There is an existing cellar hole which he would use for the footprint of the residence. Costa explained the background of no building on a Class VI road along with the process of the Selectboard approving the construction based on a unique situation being presented by an applicant. If approved by the Selectboard, a Variance would need to be granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Sanborn asked what he needed to do to proceed.  He would need to apply for a building permit; it would be declined due to town policy, the state statues and the Andover Zoning Ordinance; he would be referred to the Selectboard with a copy of the town policy and state statute; the Selectboard would review and refer to the Planning Board for their opinion of why the Selectboard should approve the permit. If it is declined, he could go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for an appeal. If it was approved by the Selectboard, he would have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Variance and a Special Exception.  He was advised that he would need to meet the Variance criteria / standards.

Review and Prioritize 2018 Planning Board tasks

1. Teach, Costa and Currier created a list of tasks for the Planning Board to work on in 2018.  They include near term and long term items.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary