After a long winter, we were so excited to hang up our snow pants and spend time outside without hats or mittens! We are enjoying the sand and mud once more. The beans we harvested in the fall were planted in the classroom last month and have been flourishing on our window sills, waiting for warmer weather and their chance to be planted in the ground outside. Other selections that the kids have chosen to plant this year include cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins, and sunflowers. We have been observing our blueberry bushes and our apple and peach trees, noticing buds where leaves will soon grow. We are working to ready our garden beds and have found that several types of worms and bugs have made their home there. We are excited to plant outside soon!
In the classroom, our dramatic play area has changed from a hospital to a sandwich shop. There we practice sharing, communicating, counting, and writing as we take a friend’s sandwich order.
Our journals are filling up, and our Lego creations are becoming more and more detailed. We are beginning to talk about our end of the year celebration, choosing which songs to sing for our families.
We are excited for two family hikes we have coming up this month on May 6 and May 19. We would welcome EAVP alumni and their families to join us! If you can make it, email the school for details.
For those of you considering preschool for your child, we have some morning spots available for next year. Current students share why you might like your child to attend, too:
“We have great toys here” – Sadie G.
“We make fun artwork” –Aria
“We make big things with Magnatiles.” –Tayo
“We play outside with our friends.” –Andrew
For more information on enrollment, call or email us today at 735-5105 or eavp@nulltds.net