Salisbury Farmers Market to Begin Again June 4, 2018

Press Release

Salisbury Farmers Market     

 Salisbury Farmers Market will start its third year June 4, 2018. It will be open on Mondays from 3 to 6 PM with the exceptions of holidays. As in the past there will be fresh produce when in season.   Our other vendors will provide fresh farm eggs, maple syrup and honey, homemade pies, mustards and relishes as well as bead jewelry, woven items, soaps and lotions, jams and jellies, fresh bread and pasties, paracord items and antiques.

This year  the Historical  Society and the Sestercentennial (250 years) committee will have a table with  memorabilia for sale to help celebrate the Salisbury Sestercentennial. They will be selling license plates, calendars, medallions, T-shirts, hats, aprons, tote bags, kitchen towels and a Salisbury throw.
Please come and visit us as we looking forward to seeing our neighbors.
If you have any questions please contact Helen Binette at 648-2156.