Andover Conservation Commission Approved Minutes 3/21/18

By Mary Anne Broshek

Andover Conservation Commission
March 21, 2018
Approved Minutes

Present: Mary Anne Broshek, Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Nan Kaplan, Jesse Schust.  Calum Dixon and Paul Currier were in attendance for the discussion on the wetlands overlay.  Bill Stack, Dave Pilla, Kurt Meier, Lisa Meier and Todd Goings were in attendance for the discussion on Proctor Pond Dredging

Minutes- The February minutes were approved with minor revisions.

NHDS Complete Forestry Notification – to Chris Caron – map and lot #4/277/0237- members identified this area on the tax map.  It was noted that a small stream runs through one end of the property and we requested that Calum give us a better view of wetlands in this area.
NHDES letter of Emergency Authorization Verification to Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club Map and lot # 26/880/240

Calum  Dixon – Wetlands Overlay- Calum presented the latest version of the wetlands overlay that can show variable buffers ( 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 feet) depending on what we decide makes sense for Andover.  Each of these buffers can be viewed separately. We asked that the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act data points be added.

Proctor Academy NHDES Wetlands Application for Pond Dredging- Engineer Bill Stack and Proctor employees presented the maps and work to be done on the Proctor pond that is in the center of campus.  Over the years, this pond has gradually filled in and the work to be done will restore it as a healthy pond. We discussed the impact on current pond inhabitants. Dave Pilla noted that tadpoles are not forming into frogs due to unhealthy habitat.  An otter has been seen at the pond and has likely eliminated any remaining fish. Bill stated that the Wetlands permit would soon be submitted to the town clerk and asked for our support.

General consensus after discussion was that the CC would support this project.

ASLPT Update – No news

Wetlands Ordinance-
Sandy Crystall at NHDES  Is reviewing the Sutton ordinance as starting point for our work and will check other ordinances that may be good examples for us.   Sandy provided the following guidance via email:
1.  “Any wetlands overlay map and ordinance based on NWI data must have a very apparent note that it does not show all wetlands as they must be identified in the field by a wetland scientist.  
2.   I will also provide language about including surface waters because they are not necessarily included by citing the wetland definition.
3. The ordinance should cite the NH state laws when appropriate.  “
Mary Anne will contact Sandy to see if she will meet with Jesse and other interested CC members to share her knowledge and expertise to develop a good and workable ordinance for Andover.
We will need to make sure that the Andover Building Permit process and wording in a wetlands ordinance are coordinated.  We also need to consider if all buffers would be subject to a ZBA variance and whether it makes sense to involve wetland scientists in the building permit process.  Jesse will discuss some of these issues with Paul Currier to make sure that we have Paul’s expertise on wetlands and are keeping the Planning Board involved.
Mary Anne will continue to work on a wetlands handout for the Zoning Administrator
Camp Barry – We will not sponsor a camper this year.

CC Table for Town Meeting – Alan was at the Town Meeting table for most of the day.  Suggestions were received to have a Bog Pond hike and look at how best to conserve the Bog Pond area.  Alan requests that members continue to review and send website comments to him. Larry has offered to do an article for the Beacon introducing the new website.

Newman/McKenna Photos of ATV Damage- Jesse has the most current photos of the damage and will send photos to Mary Anne to be included in monitoring report to LCHIP.

Bog Pond – The BOS and Road Agent agree that a 50 foot buffer will be used around the Bog Pond prime wetland when conducting gravel excavations.

Wetlands Disputes- The CC needs to be notified whenever a wetlands dispute is brought to the Selectboard.

Drone Company Involvement in Monitoring – No action- Jesse will check with the Selectboard before contacting the drone company.

Verizon Cell Tower – Mary Anne attended the final public hearing on 2/27/18 and detailed minutes were forwarded to CC members.  A site visit by BOS, Planning Board, CC, County Forester and Verizon will take place at the end of April. The CC is responsible for monitoring the forestry buffer and the area needs to be clearly marked.

Andover Sales of Two Large Forested Properties- Jerry will contact Tim Fleury to follow up on logging operations.  We believe that the new landowners will follow best management practices and will provide good stewardship of these lands based on previous actions and reports.

Water Testing Event in Salisbury- Workshop will be held on May 8 from 7 – 9 p.m.  We should have the flyers by next meeting so we can help advertise.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30.