Andover Fire Dept News

Press Release

We are very fortunate in New Hampshire to have several outstanding hospitals in our area. Sometimes an injury or illness requires the level of care that only a hospital like CMC, Concord or Dartmouth Hitchcock are able to provide. Often the best and medically safest way to get to these hospitals is by ambulance.  Andover Emergency Medical Services will transport patients to these advanced care hospitals with our ambulance when we have time for ground transport. Sometimes an illness or injury may become life threatening, when minutes count. Then a decision must be made to transport by helicopter.
Andover Fire and EMS recently trained with the DART helicopter air and ground team. There are several procedures that we must follow to assure a safe landing and transfer of the patient from our care to the Paramedics at the aircraft.

          The first step is to get the helicopter on the way to our town as soon as air transport is medically deemed necessary.  A simple radio call to our dispatch center is all that is required. Deciding on a landing zone will depend on weather, distance and patient condition. This is where training is invaluable as decisions must be made quickly and correctly. Radio frequencies are established to assure good communication between the helicopter pilot and our fire department at the landing field. Our apparatus must be placed to be easily seen from the air by the air crew. All this must take place in about fifteen minutes.  Training and practice make this process flow like a well-oiled machine.
           The EMTs depend on fire crews to deal with the landing procedures, as an incident that requires air transport will have the EMTs very busy.  Patient information must be transmitted to the air crews to help assure a good medical transfer. The Andover emergency services team has called for air transport several times in the past.  A typical incident will have an incredibly high energy response and decision making, and within thirty very fast minutes you watch the helicopter lift off and we all go back to the stations hoping that everything we did will make a difference.  Like most things we do, training is the best tool we have to assure a positive outcome. Helicopter training, we will check as complete.
Many families like to have small campfires in their backyards. Some homeowners also like to burn woodland materials as a spring cleanup task. As many know, either activity requires a permit from a warden or deputy warden. In Andover we have tried to make obtaining a permit easy. First let’s review the rules.  A State permit is required to kindle a flame on the ground. With a permit you may burn between 5 PM and 9 AM. You may only burn woodland materials like leaves, grass or unpainted and unprocessed wood. Plywood or veneer is a glued, processed product and may not be burned. Tree branches must be less than five inches in diameter. Stump burning is not allowed.  In most cases we will inspect the fire location and materials when we issue the permit. We will help you to stay safe and legal. However, please remember, if you light it you own it, so be careful. A garden hose can be a wonderful thing. At some point this summer we will be issuing permits online, please stay tuned.
 Warden: Stephen Barton 848-3446  Deputy Wardens: Chuck Ellis 848-0678, Jeff Miller 454-5030, Jake Otis 491-0641, Fred Lance 340-4846, Rene Lefebvre 344-1201. You may also obtain a permit at the town office.  Stay safe!