Senator John McCain’s new memoir has received considerable mention lately, both as a commentary on the current political situation and as a thoughtful review of a long and active life.
Written with Mark Salter, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights and Other Appreciations,” will be available at your libraries after May 22nd, its publishing date.
Coming up in June and July, we have the annual Book Sale at the Stone Chapel on July 3rd for Andover residents and on July 4th for everyone. On the 3rd, it’s from 5-7, on the 4th, from 7:30-2. This is a donation only event. Come one and all; we are overflowing with books!
The annual Fairy House construction event will take place in July. Children, grown-ups, families: fill our public space with dwellings and natural creations. Start collecting your materials now! We also have an author presentation by Amy Makechnie, a “rock” concert with Joanie Leeds and the Night Lights, and a great Summer Reading program on the menu. Keep your eyes open for more information around town!
By Janet Moore, Library Trustee