New Hampshire libraries will pump up the volume in the coming months for this year’s Summer Reading Program theme, “Libraries Rock!”
Library patrons statewide will be invited to make musical instruments, write songs, learn about music from different countries and be inspired by musicians of all kinds. Books, magazines, movies and more are available for patrons looking for new ways to experience music.
The State Library’s “Kids, Books and the Arts” grant program will fund special events by juried performers at libraries across the state, making the “Libraries Rock” theme even more fun.
Designed to help strengthen literacy skills in young people of all ages, the Summer Reading Program lays the groundwork for preschoolers to become lifelong readers and learners, helps elementary school children develop positive attitudes about reading, and strengthens the high level of literacy that teens need for higher education and future employment.
Students who read at least four books over the summer fare better on reading comprehension tests in the fall than their peers who read one or no books. Nine out of ten kids say they are more likely to finish a book they’ve picked out themselves; summer Reading Program participants may choose to read whichever books they want, including those not related to the “Libraries Rock” theme.
The New Hampshire State Library promotes excellence in libraries and library services to all New Hampshire residents, by assisting libraries and the people of New Hampshire with rapid access to library and informational resources through the development and coordination of a statewide library/information system; by meeting the informational needs of New Hampshire’s state, county and municipal governments and its libraries; and by serving as a resource for New Hampshire. For more information, visit