Nobody seemed to know the name of the happy little girl on the cover of the Andover Town Report 2012. The photo was taken on March 2, 1996 at the Andover Fish and Game Club’s annual Kid’s Ice Fishing Derby. We figured that if she was two years old then, she’d be about 19 years old now.
We asked in the April issue for help identifying her, and here’s the e-mail we received from her grandmother, Stephanie Gross:

“The Mystery Girl is our granddaughter, Brittany Rollins. She was almost two in the picture. Her 19th birthday was March 16 this year. Her father (my son), Matt Rollins, is the pair of legs behind her. They were and still are from Bristol. Brittany went to every Andover Fish and Game Club Ice Fishing Derby until she was about 12.
“I have attached a ‘now’ picture of her and her fiance, Jessie Gibbs. They are getting married on May 4 and moving to Tennessee.”
Thanks, Stephanie. And congratulations, Brittany!