Our March meeting was fairly short and to the point, as we were all eager to depart on our field trip to King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont. But some business was conducted. We have placed our scholarship applications on The Andover Beacon Web site, at the Thrift Shop, and at the schools. Completed forms are due by Wednesday, May 1.
We have a wonderful program planned for Saturday, April 20, and it is open to the public. We have a humorist who goes by the name of Fred Marple doing a widely-acclaimed comedy show. He hails from the fictional town of Frost Heaves, New Hampshire and is extremely clever in the manner in which he presents his material. It is a show that should not be missed and one that will be talked about for months to come.
Please join us at the Andover Elementary/Middle School on Saturday, April 20, at 7 PM. We have kept the price down to a mere $10 for adults and $5 for students; children under 6 years old are free. It is a family-appropriate show, so bring the whole family for a night of good cheer and laughter.
The Thrift Shop is full of great bargains, with everything that has a colored tag on it being half price. We are gearing up for spring and will be putting new items out in April.
Our delicious lunch consisting of chowders, soups, bread, and other baked goods during Town Meeting Day was a great success. We are pleased to provide this service, and all proceeds go to fund our scholarships.
We are working on our new slate of officers and are looking for a program chair and an assistant treasurer. We continue to welcome new members.
Our guest night is slated for Wednesday, April 10, at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. It is pot luck, and musical entertainment will be provided.
Upon adjourning and then partaking of some wonderful refreshments, we ventured up to Vermont for a tour and shopping at the newly reconstructed King Arthur Flour. It was interesting to learn that the company has been in existence for over 200 years and is now employee-owned. They have the classrooms, bakery, cafe, and retail store all under one roof, with ample parking, and it is a joy to visit.