On Friday, June 22, 2018, the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust closed on the Wendell Marsh Expansion project, 40 acres of undeveloped land that includes a significant portion of the marsh habitat. Wendell Marsh is located in Sunapee along NH Route 11 and has been an area of conservation focus for Ausbon Sargent for several years.
NH Fish and Game began the conservation efforts in this area in the 1960’s. They protected the 10-acre Wendell Marsh Wildlife Area, identified as a high priority for conservation by the Town of Sunapee due to its pristine wetland habitat for waterfowl, wading birds, and other wildlife, as well as for water quality protection. In 2013 Ausbon Sargent partnered with the Town of Sunapee Conservation Commission to protect 136 acres in a project referred to as Wendell Marsh North followed, in 2015, with an additional 143 acres named Wendell Marsh South. The Wendell Marsh area now consists of nearly 330 acres of protected property.
Ausbon Sargent thanks the Town of Sunapee, the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, the Sunapee Conservation Commission and the many people who have contributed to this project. Dr. Jolyon Johnson, in particular, shares responsibility for making it possible to protect more than half of the conserved acreage in the Wendell Marsh area and we are very grateful to Dr. Johnson for his help.
The Town of Sunapee owns the land and Ausbon Sargent holds the easement. Ausbon Sargent now protects 11,348 acres on 146 properties in our 12 town service area.
Take a look at our website www.ausbonsargent.org to see what else is happening at the land trust.
Press Release