Selectboard Approved Minutes, June 18, 2018

By Patricia Moyer

Condensed from approved minutes:

Meeting convened at 6:30 PM.
Members Present:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn and Chuck Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Officer Dan Shaw.
Also present were: Herbie Barton, Jane Hubbard, Steve Lord, and Allison Rivard
Road Agent Report:
Morrill Hill Road Bridge – is now reopened as of June 15, 2018. It was noted that as soon as the bridge was reopened complaints about speeding vehicles began.

Tucker Mountain Road/Steve Lord –  Thompson received a call from Lord regarding the property he purchased at the end of Tucker Mountain Road. At this time, Lord plans to log approximately 15 acres of the 233 acres. Lord discussed with Thompson the issues with the town turn around. Lord would like to put in culverts to help with the water issue and revamp the turn around. Thompson indicated that Lord’s work will ultimately make the turn-around better than what is presently there. After their discussion, Thompson suggested that Lord meet with the Select Board.

Lord would like to reestablish the logging road that was previously there. Lord explained that the trucks will be coming in and out of Tucker Mountain Road at the Classportion. Lord needs to improve this so that the trucks can pass in and out without difficulty. Lord would like to do some ditching on the left-hand side going up Tucker Mountain Road. A couple of years ago, it was logged and there is quite a bit of gravel there.
Lord indicated that there is an old foundation from about 1840 on the property. He would like to research and locate any information, including minutes, on this property. Roy suggested Lord come in when the Town Clerk is available. Lord agreed to check for the Town Clerk hours.  
Lord also noted that he brought an Intent to Cut form for the Board to review and sign.
The Board took no action on what Lord presented other than to agree that he will be improving the turn around for the town while doing it for his logging operation.
The Board thanked Lord for informing him of his plans for the property. Lord explained that he already met with the Planning Board to apprise them of his plans.


  • Old College Road –  Thompson indicated that the culverts and shoulders are measured. It is ready to put out the Request for Pricing (RFP).

    Landscaping – Thompson is clear on what needs to be done in the front of Town Hall area. However, he is not clear on the front area out by the road. The railroad ties need to be fixed or replaced. The Service Club is concerned because of the sand which accumulates from the winter has ruined the beds. They wanted Thompson to come up with an alternative plan. The area has to be plowed and sanded. Thompson said it is the Service Club’s budget and wants them to come up with a solution. After discussion, Mishcon will contact the Service Club to advise them that they need to present solution.
    Out in the backyard, Thompson is waiting for the old propane tanks to be removed before the landscaping is worked on.
  • Last Street Bridge – Thompson spoke to Josif last Tuesday. Basically, if the bridge is re-decked it will remain posted as a 6-ton limit bridge. However, the carriers are rotted. If those are corrected also, then the bridge will not need to be repaired so often and it will become a 20-ton limit bridge. Josif planned on sending out information to Roy on what needs to be done on this bridge. The Board discussed other alternatives such as replacing the wood beams with steel beams. Thompson indicated that the wood beams are special ordered out of New York and he expects the price will probably be as much as the steel beams.

    Highway Block Grant – Thompson would like Switch Road to be the prime project and then use the extra funds for ditching and structuring Shaw Hill Road. These two roads, in his opinion, are the best way to use the grant funding.  
    The Board discussed and indicated that it will depend on what Last Street Bridge costs. Mishcon stated that at this point, there is approximately $208,000 in the Bridge Rehabilitation Fund. As soon as Joseph gets back with some plan, the Board will make a decision.•


Merrimack County Conservation District Culvert Assessment – Thompson is still working on this item.

Beach House – The roof will be done as soon as the schedule allows. Thompson will meet with Roy on this item.

White Oak Pit – The Board will sign the Temporary Use Agreement (TUA) tonight and Roy will forward it to Department of Transportation (DOT). A face-to-face meeting will be requested with Bill Cass.

Herbie Barton – Questioned whether Thompson had a price on the gravel and if he measured the pile accumulated at the Transfer Station yet. Thompson indicated that it has not been done as of tonight.


Jane Hubbard/ FEMA Grants
Hubbard discussed with the Board her frustrations in trying to gather information in order to apply for grant funding. Hubbard indicated that at every corner, it has been a frustrating experience. Hubbard explained that she cannot move forward due to the immense amount of time she already spent trying to gather information and what else might need to be done. In the end, there may be very little or no money actually reimbursed.

Hubbard outlined the basic rules of what documentation is required to be eligible for reimbursements. At this point, Hubbard’s recommendation is to only apply for and focus on the Elbow Pond Road grant and cut the losses for Bridge Road, Bradley Lake Road, and Kearsarge Mountain Road Bridge because the documentation is either not in the form FEMA needs or it is unavailable. As an example, cutting brush and burning it is not what FEMA wants. The brush needed to be chipped and tracked where it was taken. Because it was burned, there is no reimbursement to the Town.
Hubbard recommended a restructuring of accounting software, improved payroll documentation, sub-contractor invoicing and training of Department of Public Works (DPW) personnel on how to document detailed work reports.  Hubbard would like to assist the DPW with future ‘disasters’ if needed, but at this time it has become too time consuming and the end result may not be worth the extensive efforts. Should a disaster happen, Hubbard will contact the Road Agent to remind him of the documentation needed for FEMA relief.
Hubbard also informed the Board that FEMA likely will not have representatives for Towns unless the clean-up cost is over two-million-dollars.  
After discussion, the Board agreed with Hubbard to only work on the Elbow Pond Road grant funding. Hubbard will draft a letter to FEMA indicating that the Town decided to not claim for the three projects. She will send it to Roy and the Board.
In an attempt to alleviate the documentation for future FEMA grants, Roy, the Board, and Thompson will work on the DPW forms on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 during the work session beginning at 8 AM.


Herbie Barton – asked Thompson if he had a form that he was working on to document such things. Thompson indicated that yes, he has a form but the information is just not how FEMA wants the information.
Herbie Barton asked Thompson if he had a price on the gravel and had he measured the pile at the Transfer Station yet. Thompson told Barton, no, not yet.


Route 11 Intersection of Depot Street and Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club Road

Allison Rivard lives on Tucker Mountain Road in Town. During her travel to New London for work last week, as she was coming upon this intersection, there was a car that passed not only her vehicle but two motorcycles at the same time. Rivard noticed a passing zone designated by the road’s broken line in the center of the road. Rivard was concerned that the area should not be designated a passing zone. The Board thanked Rivard her for bringing her concern to the Board. The Board explained that road is not a Town Road, but a State Road. However, they will contact the State and let them know of her concern.  
Approval of Minutes
Mishcon made the motion to approve the June 4, 2018 minutes as written. Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The minutes of June 4, 2018 are approved as written.

Blackwater Park Additional Fencing
The Recreation Committee proposed putting up additional fencing. They had an estimate from Andover Fence Company but then changed their mind on how much fencing they wanted. Initially the estimate was for 96’. However, the new amount is 168’. After discussion, the Board wants to meet with a couple of the Recreation Committee members to find out just what they want and where they want to put the fence. Additionally, the Board would like the Recreation Committee to submit a drawing and/or photo of what they plan and why the fencing is needed.
Roy will remind the Recreation Commission that these discussions and decisions need to be done at one of their regular meetings.


Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA)

Solid Waste Advisory Team (SWAT) VISIT
The Board discussed a time to meet with the team so they can assist in determining what bailer/s will be needed before they are purchased for the Transfer Station. The tentative day is Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 9:30 AM. Roy will call tomorrow to set up the visit.
According to the experts at this time, Single Stream Recycling is no longer a viable option. The Town will soon go back to sorting items, but the glass items will remain the same. The glass will still go up to New London for crushing.
4th of July Transfer Station – will be CLOSED on Wednesday, July 4th. However, it will be OPEN on Thursday, July 5, 2018 for its regular hours of 7 to 5 PM.



Correspondence and Signatures:

Intent to Cut Steve Lord Tucker Mountain Road 23-611-532 15 acres of 233 acres
All three Board members signed the intent to cut.
Randi Monti for the Planning Board as an alternate member
Alan McIntyre for the Conservation Commission.
All three Board members signed the two appointments.
Department of Transportation Temporary Use Agreement
Roy added an addendum to the TUA. All three Board members signed it.
Please see attached.

Non Public Sessions  (3)
At 7:45 PM Mishcon made a motion to go out of the Public Meeting and into Non-Public Session by Roll Call vote as follows:
Mishcon Yes Blinn Yes Keyser Yes
Closed Non-Public Session at 8 PM.                         
Re-opened Public Meeting at 8 PM.                                Closed Public Meeting at 8 PM.                               Re-opened Non-Public Session at 8 PM    Closed Non-Public Session at 8:10 p.m.                       
Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:10 PM.                  Closed Public Meeting at 8:10 PM.                                       Re-opened Non-Public Session at 8:10 PM.                                 Closed Non-Public Session at 8:20 PM.
Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:20 PM.                                 Closed Public Meeting at 8:20 p.m.                        Re-opened Non-Public Session at 8:20 p.m.                                 Closed Non-Public Session at 8:30 PM.                                                     
Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:30.
Mishcon made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:45.

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary