Caroline Moulton Supports David Karrick for State Representative

By Caroline Moulton

Andover has two State Representatives in the State House in Concord: one for Merrimack County District 1 (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury), and one for Merrimack County District 25 (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner and Webster).
In the September 11 Primary, we will get to choose who represents us in District 25.
My vote goes to David Karrick,
David was our Representative for two terms, and also a two-term Warner Selectman. He has served on many committees in his hometown.
During his terms in the Legislature, he was on the powerful Ways and Means Committee. He understands the issues our towns are facing: keeping a lid on our property taxes, while keeping up with road and bridge repairs; and carefully managing those County Services which are vital in helping our most vulnerable citizens.
Some of David’s specific interests are high-quality public education to prepare our students for today’s high tech job opportunities, and the rights and safety of women and children.
While on the Ways and Means Committee, David helped find revenues for a balanced State budget.
David has shown his commitment to public service; he has the knowledge, and a proven track record. His voting record speaks to his progressive values. His common sense has been invaluable.
David listens to the people he represents, he has the experience and the resolve to deliver what we need from Concord.
I hope you will join me in voting for David Karrick!
Caroline Moulton