Over thirty alumni and family attended the Andover High School reunion held at the East Andover NH Grange. Some of our regulars were unable to attend due to illness. Wish you all a speedy recovery. We visited in the morning and checked out the extensive collection of memorabilia. Our meeting started with a rousing Andover cheer followed by the school song. We had a moment of silence for our departed classmates who were Betty Andrews Dickerman ’45, Winona Schoolcraft ’47, Frank Remington ’52, Mavis Henderson Newton ’56, Robert Rayno ’58, Murray Smith ’59, Dale Mcleod ’61. We had representatives from the years 1939, ’41,’ 42, ’49’, 51, ’53, ’54 ,’55 ,’56’ ,57, ’58 ,’59, ’60 & ‘62. Jim Alley would have been the class of ‘64 had the school remained open. Class of ’58 had the most members attending. Considering the last graduating class was fifty five years ago in 1963, this is quite a show of loyalty to our alma mater, our longevity and our close connection to the school and each other. Charlotte Miller Resch ’53, who was unable to attend, sent a message to say “Hi” to all her classmates. Mike Van Hook ’58 also sent a hello to his class. This year many of our attendees shared some stories from high school days as well as some personal items of interest. Frank Haley ’41 was recognized for raising the most money as an individual in the walk for the blind. 1937 was our first graduating class and Irene Haley Jewett from class of 1939 was our earliest graduate attendee. Our thanks to Bill Thomas for once again taking class pictures. Jerry Alley from Texas came the farthest. Nelson Aldrich won the door prize, a gift certificate to Pizza Hut. It was voted to continue to meet yearly the Saturday after the Fourth of July, so mark your calendars. We adjourned to a delicious potluck lunch and a table full of decadent dessert.
We plan to be back at AEMS next year to check out all the renovations. If you can’t attend, send us a message. Hope to see you there.