Peabody Home’s Director of Nurses Receives National Award – August 16, 2018

Press Release
Cheryl Barnes, RN, (on right) receives award from Lynn Beede, BSN RN (on left).

One of Peabody Home’s hardworking nurses, Cheryl Barnes RN, was recently recognized as the Nurse Leader for 2018 in the Nation’s Northeast Region. The award was presented by Lynn Beede, BSN RN, the Director of Nursing Services of Coos County Nursing Home in Berlin and the President of the NH Chapter of the National Association of Directors of Nursing
Administration (NADONA).
NADONA is the largest organization representing nurses working in long-term and post-acute care settings in the United States and Canada. They strive to be the leading force for nurses and healthcare professionals through education, professional development, and clinical expertise. For one to receive the 2018 Nurse Leader of the Year Award, they must show dedication and valuable contributions to the field of long term care and be an active member of the NADONA
During the presentation, Lynn stated, “This is a highly competitive and prestigious award and it is my honor to present this to Cheryl, who is highly deserving of this award.”
Thanks to Cheryl’s compassion over the past 20 years, Peabody Home’s residents have had the best care and attention they could receive. Cheryl’s leadership and knowledge extend upon her being there —you can see the care and respect throughout all of Peabody Home’s staff.
Peabody Home is a nursing home in Franklin, NH that takes pride in the nursing, assisted living and independent care services it provides to their residents, family, and friends.