In an article in The Daily Kos, an online publication, Susan Grigsby has written about our love affair with libraries. Although the title, “The Creeping Privatization of Public Libraries,” may sound ominous, the author reveals the best of the best in public services. “Local libraries…provide a heated place in the winter and an air conditioned space in the summer for patrons who may not otherwise have a safe, comfortable place to read. Librarians create summer programs for children and can guide them into a lifetime of reading and growing through books…They know their communities and can assist job seekers with applications…and databases of career openings…And they often even know our names.” Grigsby also cites a recent Pew Research survey: “Most Americans view public libraries as important parts of their communities, with a majority reporting that libraries have the resources they need and play at least some role in helping them decide what information they can trust.” And Andover is lucky to have two libraries!
Just released: “Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life Of Beavers And Why They Matter” by Ben Goldfarb. Ever wonder what those beaver deceivers, constructed and installed by Vermonter Skip Lisle, really do for Andover wetlands? Read this book! Author of “The Good Good Pig,” Sy
Montgomery says, “A revelation…Goldfarb’s wonderful book might just tail-slap a politician or two into realizing how much we need them to restore our critical wetlands.” Best of all, Goldfarb references Andover and highlights our experiences with beavers in this well-researched story.
And for a heads-up on the spooky season of autumn, try “The Shadow of the Wind” by Antonio Ruiz Zafon. Antiquarian book dealer’s son, Daniel, makes a surprising find-someone in Barcelona is carefully destroying every single copy of Julian Carax’s book, “The Shadow of the Wind.” An innocent search then becomes a story worthy of the gothic in post-Spanish Civil War
Barcelona. This is a truly spooky and intricately detailed read-just ask your librarian for a copy.
By Janet Moore