After a busy October, students and staff have settled back into a productive academic routine. October was interrupted by NECAP state-mandated testing for grades three through eight. Students in grades three, four, six, and seven had six tests administered, while grades five and eight had eight tests to complete.
Fire Prevention Day was enjoyed by the students on October 11. We certainly appreciate all the time given to us by Jeff Miller, John Bridgmon, and John Kinney. It is always a treat to visit the fire station and to go inside the ambulance. The demonstrations are educational and interesting.
The AE/MS Eagles soccer season has come to an end. The season ended with an action-packed game between students and parents, followed by potluck and awards. Thank you to all the parents who helped throughout the season with the tournament, the end-of-season celebration, day-to-day transportation, and support at games. Parent contributions and help at the food stand was most appreciated by the fans, families, and players. It was also a bonus to be able to have the tournament on Proctor’s new turf field this year!
AE/MS students and staff participated in the National Day on Writing on October 19. All school community members wrote a piece based on the prompt, “What was your favorite toy and why?” This question encompassed all types of writing from all sources. The theme was purposely tied in with the 80th birthday of LEGOs.
The writing was collected at the end of the day and will be shared for all to enjoy. Next time you are in the building, be sure to check it out. The various pieces of writing are very thoughtful. [See page ?? for a few examples.]
LEGOs Wanted!
Speaking of LEGOs, if you have LEGOs at home that are gathering dust, please consider sending them into AE/MS. We can never have too many LEGOs! They come in really handy for the occasional indoor recess, whether you are in the primary grades or an eighth grader.
Art is everywhere in our building. It is definitely worth stopping to see. Mrs. DeMinico and her art classes are producing some amazing pieces of work. The seventh grade photography photos have been mounted, and the display is absolutely stunning! Betsy Abrahamson produced a photo of the school that I believe is the best picture of the school that I have ever seen.
If you drove by the school on October 25, you probably wondered why the parking lot was overflowing. It was Math Night, Family Book Fair Night, and the first opportunity to register for the town ski and snowboard program at Ragged Mountain. This is always a hugely popular and well-attended evening at AE/MS.
The theme for Math Night this year was Super Heroes! Michelle Keezer put the challenge out to “Grab your tights. Dig out your cape! Polish your pencil! Join the Math League as they fight for proof, logic, and the mathematical way.”
Super Hero teachers manned math stations in the gym for families to enjoy. Proctor Academy math teachers Josh Norris and Lindsay Brown joined the Super Hero Force for the evening.
Who will be the next president of the United States? Middle School students will have the opportunity to cast their vote in a national mock election. Students can mock vote in both the state and national election and take part in polls. Results will be shared.
Veterans Day At AE/MS
Our Veterans Day celebration is on Wednesday, November 7, at 9 AM. Classes are already preparing what they would like to share with our Andover veterans. Over 100 invitations [see page ??] were mailed to Andover veterans.
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Moffett will be the guest speaker this year. The eighth grade students will once again host the Eagle Cafe after the assembly. It gives veterans and families a chance to sit and visit with each other while being served coffee and baked goods. The eighth graders serve the veterans and also have the opportunity to hear great stories! Jake’s Market and the AE/MS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) also help with Eagle Cafe refreshments.
If you know of a local veteran who we do not have on our mailing list, please let us know. We don’t want to leave anyone out.
Holiday Wreaths
The PTO will be decorating and selling wreaths again this year. Wreaths can be ordered through the school and can be picked up on Saturday, December 1, or any time after that during the school week. Profits go toward decorating Town buildings and toward field trips.
The Andover Recreation Committee Ski Program is scheduled to begin on Friday, January 4. Think Snow! The program runs for five Fridays. The program includes downhill skiing and snowboarding at Ragged Mountain.
The Town of Andover provides bus transportation to Ragged Mountain for first through eighth grade skiers. Kindergarten students are welcome to enjoy the program, but only with an adult accompanying them at all times. It is a great way to introduce your child to these winter sports and enjoy New Hampshire’s winter environment. Children who participate in the program are dismissed from school after lunch.
The Andover Recreation Committee Ski Program is a wonderful opportunity, provided for the youth of Andover through the continued generosity of the Town and the involvement of many volunteers. All Ski Program questions should be directed to Ellie George at 735-5590.
Upcoming Dates
November 7: AE/MS Veterans Day Celebration
November 15: Grandparent Thanksgiving
December 6: Winter Concert Grades K-5
December 13: Instrumental AE/MS Band Concert
December 14: Holiday Shoppe