The 2018 fall soccer season is energized and underway! Third through sixth graders began practicing in late August and persevered through some hot practices. The fifth and sixth graders kicked off the official season with a game against the Outing Club on September 4. The third and fourth grade teams had their first games on September 7. From the start, the level of effort and sportsmanship has been impressive. Games are played on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Kindergarten, first and second graders participate in clinics on Saturday mornings. They enjoy fun games, skill building rotations and small sided scrimmages. This year this age group has the opportunity to play five games against teams from surrounding towns on Sunday afternoons.
The quality of this program is dependent on generous volunteers who are committed to providing a meaningful experience to each player. Our coaches work hard to help our players learn the value of teamwork, gain confidence and practice encouragement. Most importantly, coaches and parents alike show a notable commitment to soccer being fun for everyone.
If you are driving by the Blackwater field and see a crowd gathered, stop in and cheer our teams on!