For today’s Students, Library Cards Continue to be Part of an Incredible Team

Press Release

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and this year’s students will be able to call on the Incredibles Team to help them access the information they will need heading into another adventurous school year.

Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack Parr will join real-life heroes – librarians – to encourage students sign up for their very own library cards, gaining them access to powerful education tools like homework help, technology, apps, programs, activities, music and movies, along reading materials of all kinds covering a world of topics.

In New Hampshire, public libraries provide library cards free of charge to residents in their towns. The money each patron saves by using a library card instead of purchasing materials can be calculated using the online library value calculator available at

The American Library Association began “September is Library Card Sign-up Month” as a way to ensure that every student has access to the information needed to make the upcoming school year successful.

“Together, New Hampshire public libraries and school libraries provide the breadth of information that students need, no matter what they are studying,” said N.H. State Librarian Michael York. “Remember that library cards aren’t just for kids. We hope that when students come in to sign up for a card  they will bring their parents and caregivers with them.”

Signing up for a library card can happen during any month, not just in September.

The New Hampshire State Library promotes excellence in libraries and library services to all New Hampshire residents by assisting libraries and the people of New Hampshire with rapid access to library and informational resources through the development and coordination of a statewide library/information system; by meeting the informational needs of New Hampshire’s state, county and municipal governments and its libraries; and by serving as a resource for New Hampshire. For more information, visit