Spring may be a couple months away, but the Merrimack County Conservation District is already thinking green with its annual Tree and Shrub Seedling Sale. This year’s sale features a variety of trees and shrubs to fit all kinds of landscaping needs along with perennials, spring bulbs, composters, rain barrels, and other conservation needs. New this year are specialty lilacs, azaleas, and magnolias grown specifically for our cold winters.
Many of the species are ideal for wildlife food and cover, windscreens, shade, and privacy. There are over 60 different varieties offered including Christmas trees seedlings, flowering bulbs, fruit trees, ground cover, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Most are bare root, not balled, and sold in bundles of five or more.
People interested in ordering can visit the district’s Web site at MerrimackCCF.org for an order form or call 223-6023. Priority order deadline is March 25 but orders will be taken until all items are sold! Fundraiser pickup will be May 3 and 4 at Carter Hill Orchards in Concord and May 5 at the Davisville Flea Market in Warner.