Thank you from the South Danbury Church to everyone who participated in our October events! We are so glad for your support, and we hope you enjoyed everything as much as we did!
On Sunday, October 7, our friend and neighbor Rev. Andy Gilman led the worship and Communion service. This was our first formal worship service, complete with pulpit and pews, in our “resurrected” meetinghouse (as the church founders called it). October 1867 was the first time that the newly-built meetinghouse was used for worship. Andy’s inspiring sermon was about “Sacred Places,” the experience and knowledge they embody, and the stories and lessons they convey.
On Friday evening, October 12, the Speaker Series featured Keegan Farr, an extraordinarily talented singer/songwriter, who performed classic songs from the 60s to the present, and a selection of his own compositions, reflecting the evolution of his music and poetry. Keegan has a standing invitation to perform at the South Danbury Church; but until he returns in person, you can reward yourself with his music whenever you wish, at his You Tube channel — — and his ReverbNation site
Saturday, October 13, was the Third Annual Pie and Gently Used Cookbook Sale – plus crafts. Despite the rain, there were many happy (and eager) visitors. THANK YOU to church members and friends who brought books and baked pies, to the helpers and sellers, and to everyone who bought pies and baked goods and crafts and books! All of the proceeds of the pie/book sale go to our Mission Fund, and will make a special difference in the lives of many people.
In November, the Holiday Happy Hour returns on Friday, November 16, from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Stop by and warm up with a cup of mulled cider or cocoa, and an apple donut. Learn about local businesses and their wares. Chat with author Mary Lyn Ray, who will be selling and signing her books for children. Browse the handmade crafts and holiday items, plus pies and baked goods (doggie treats, too). And stock up on a wide variety of delicious homemade meals to go.
Donations of baked good, crafts, or holiday items will be gratefully accepted! All proceeds benefit the Church Preservation Fund.