Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes 11/27/18

By Nancy Teach

November 27, 2018

Members Present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Art Urie; Doug Phelps; Randy Monti; and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio
Also present: Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator; Chuck Keyser, Selectperson; Clayton Platt, Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying

Minutes of November 13, 2018– Vote – Unanimous to approve as amended

Non-Binding Consultation: Clayton Platt of Pennyroyal Hill Land Surveying and Forestry as agent for Joanne Edgar for property on Elbow Pond Road, Tax Map 18 Lot 675,320

Platt presented plan indicating the proposed major subdivision into four lots.  The property is just under sixteen acres total. The new lots will meet the width to depth ratio.  A state subdivision approval has been filed. The board advised a major subdivision application along with a list of abutters and fees are needed.  The board will review the major subdivision application for completeness at the December 11, 2018 meeting. Provided the application is deemed complete, a public hearing will be scheduled for January 8, 2019

Discussion of possible Zoning changes

Teach submitted a short article into the Beacon regarding the proposed zoning changes.  A notice of the hearings will go out to each property owner that could be affected.

Selectboard Report by Dave Blinn

1. Phase II at the transfer station will commence in the spring.
2. Options for the White Oak property are in conversations with State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation.
3. Last Street bridge project is on hold.

Discussion regarding enforcement

Phelps created a draft Enforcement of Code Violations flowchart and distributed it to the board members for review and amending.  Several adjustments were recommended and Phelps will make those and review with the Planning Board with the end goal being review with the Selectboard.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

Submitted by,
Lisa Meier, Recording Secretary