Andover Selectboard Approved Minutes 12/17/18

By Patricia Moyer

Meeting convened at 6:30 p.m.
Members Present:  Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Vicky Mishcon, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn and Chuck Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Police Officer Dan Mori.
Also present: Jane Hubbard
Road Agent Report:  John Thompson
The highway department has been dealing with weather and related issues.
Last Street Bridge – the stringers have been laid out for some drilling. Thompson is waiting for the pressure treated bearing blocks. CWS Fence has been instrumental in helping find the difficult to find supplies. As soon as the bearing blocks arrive, the superstructure will be completed.
Both Thompson and Blinn commended CWS Fence for being a good corporate neighbor and the residents on Last Street for their continued patience with this issue.
Thompson is very concerned with what will happen when another six-ton bridge in town fails. Hoyle Tanner and Associates will do a free evaluation, but their recommendations come at a cost. Roy is putting this into the budget for next year.  
Poplar Street Drainage Issue – See attached from Cindy Benson
Thompson looked at Benson’s concern. He looked at several options to fix this issue.  Thompson believes that two recharge basins should take care of the problem. These recharge basins have been used successfully in several other areas of town. Thompson asked the Board whether a road engineer or a subsurface engineer would be appropriate. A perk test will be needed. After discussion the Board agreed that Thompson should contact Josif at Hoyle Tanner and Associates, who they have been working with on other projects to look at the issue. Thompson will contact Josif for his input.
White Oak Pit – The next step is to have recommendations and advisory opinions. Roy will send the packet she received onto the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board. There are issues with the driveway permits. The Board wants to talk with the Department of Transportation (DOT) prior to obtaining the driveway permits. There is nothing being changed but a formality to correct documents. When this parcel is surveyed, the Town will use the same engineer who started the survey but only could complete half of it.
Elbow Pond Culvert Fema Grant  Jane Hubbard
A summary of the grant is attached. Hubbard noted that on the top of page 4, it shows the cost of the project. The summary needs Roy’s signature in order for Hubbard to move forward with the grant. The work needs to be completed by July 22, 2019. The culvert collapsed on October 30,
2017. The FEMA disaster process began on January 2, 2018 and then you have 18 months to complete the work. If more time is needed, you can apply for an extension but the project must be in a committed stage in order to qualify for an additional year. The Town needs to pay up front for the project and then FEMA will reimburse the Town once the proper documentation of the work is submitted.
Thompson asked whether FEMA has special forms to document the work. Thompson would like to fill out the correct documentation one time. Hubbard will check on this.
Mishcon made the motion to sign off on the FEMA validation form so Andover can move forward on the Elbow Pond Road Culvert project. Blinn seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Hubbard will go to the FEMA portal tomorrow and indicate that Andover is moving forward with this grant.
The Andover Beacon Page Sponsorship
Roy spoke to the Board about sponsoring a page in the Andover Beacon. A handout was supplied in the Board’s packet. Roy explained that the newspaper is in serious financial trouble and sponsoring a page would help. The Beacon is a valuable asset for the community. It helps get what is going on around town out to the townspeople.
The Beacon does a lot for the Town. The Town gives the Beacon a lot of information to put into the paper. All articles the Town submits to the Beacon are cost-free. The only time the Beacon charges the Town is for ads such as employment ads.   
The Beacon will take care of putting last years “rest of” the Town Report together and will help with the upcoming Town Report.
Blinn indicated that a Beacon Board Member expressed to him that there is less than a year survivorship without financial assistance.
A full-sized black and white page for the year will cost $350. A full-sized color page for the year will cost $550. Advance payment is needed. The front page is set aside for important news. And, Bar Harbor Bank already has the back page. Sponsorship of a page is not a Town page.
Mishcon noted that the newspaper is really taxpayer money and the Board needs to be thoughtful about use of funds. After discussion, the Board agreed it should support the Beacon and decided that it should go in the MS form for advertising.
Mishcon made the motion to help keep The Andover Beacon solvent by sponsoring a full color page for $550 for the next year. Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Recreation Committee Budget
Keyser stated that there was discussion at the last budget meeting regarding the $3,000 the committee requested. It was suggested that a time lock for the ballpark doors be installed. The
committee was willing to look into that as a possibility. Additionally, the person who cleans the Fire Department, could be used to clean the bathrooms once a week at the ballpark, also. Mishcon stated that it needs to be communicated with the Recreation Committee that the revolving fund is not a savings account. The funds need to be used unless it is being held for a specific purpose/project. The recreation fees parents pay for their children to participate in sports programs go into the revolving fund. The revolving funds are for programs. Roy will write a letter to the Committee.
Town Administrator Report    Marj Roy
Town Excavation Regulations – Roy explained to the Board that she included the Town’s Excavation Regulations adopted on June 25, 2002 in this meeting’s packet for their  review. Moyer researched the Town Reports from 2002 forward and nothing appears to have changed with the regulations. They are noted in many Town Reports in the Planning Board yearly report section. It appears the Excavation Regulations are still in effect.
Auditor’s Report – Roy explained to the Board that in their packet she provided the auditor’s report for the year ending December 31, 2017. The audit was done in May and the report was completed in October. After the Board reads through it, any comments or questions the Board has can be addressed at the next Board meeting.
Hearings and Budget Work Sessions
Work Sessions (must be finished by 1/11/19)
Thursday, December 27, 2018 at 8 to 10 AM. (wages, salaries, benefits)
Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 5:30 to  7;30 PM. (Town Buildings/Transfer Station)
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 8 to 10 AM. (Full budget + warrant articles)
The Board will try to meet with Chuck Schmidt from DOT before the hearing for White Oak Pit on January 14, 2019
A meeting with Steve Hodgdon (Hoyle Tanner and Associates) on the Lawrence Street Bridge is scheduled for Monday, January 7, 2019 at 4:30 PM
Correspondence and Signatures
Letter from the Snowmobile Club requesting to use the message board on the Town Green to advertise two weeks prior to the spaghetti dinner fundraiser
Letter from GM2 indicating that the bridge by Green Crow on Route 4 will be either repaired or replaced
Roy presented the Board with an enforcement letter for their signatures. All three Board members signed. The letter was for 40 Switch Road.
Intent to Cut Weyant Flaghole Road Map 2    Lot 686-030

Letter from the Mitchell Municipal Group who represented forty towns, including Andover, regarding the PSNH utility tax assessing appeals. The letter notifies the Town about the change of representation, if they approve, which will include two attorneys
from their firm and two other attorneys from DTC. The Board agreed to the change of representation.
Health Trust Billing Terms Transmittal for 2019. Signed by Dave Blinn
Lake’s Regional Planning Commission would like Andover to participate in updating and correcting the cell service coverage area project. The Board would like Andover to participate. Mishcon signed as the Chair.
Stonehill Municipal Solution annual agreement with Joann Smith who works with the bookkeeper for accounting assistance quarterly. Mishcon signed.
Other Business
Blinn spoke recently to Mark Cowdrey, who will help with getting the Town Report put together, along with Janet Splan. Roy will contact Cowdrey.
Previous Minutes
Mishcon made the motion to approve the December 3, 2018 minutes as amended. Blinn seconded the motion. All in favor. The December 3, 2018 minutes are approved as amended.

Mishcon made the motion to go into Non-Public Session at 8:05 p.m. by Roll Call Vote.
Mishcon Yes Blinn Yes Keyser Yes

Closed Public Meeting at 8:05 PM.             Opened Non-Public Session at 8:05 PM.              Closed Non-Public Session at 8:25 PM.                               Re-opened Public Meeting at 8:25 PM.

Mishcon made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25PM. Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary