Chapin Senior Center  March 2019 Program Schedule

Press Release

Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group – Mondays at 8:45 AM
We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! This is a walk-in program.

French Discussion Group – First and Third Mondays at 4:15 PM
Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language skills and have fun. Participants at all skill levels are welcome! This is a walk-in program.

Chair Exercises – Mondays and Fridays at 10:15 AM
This low impact exercise program is perfect for those looking for an easy, effective exercise routine. This is a walk-in program.

Walking at Proctor Academy Gym – Monday through Friday at 8:30 to 10 AM
Please call COA at 526-6368 for more information. This is a walk-in program.

Outdoor Recreation for Seniors – Tuesdays at 10 AM
Join this active group to bike, hike, kayak and more! Please see the weekly schedule listed at or call COA at 526-6368.

Memoir Writing Group – Tuesdays at 10 AM
This is a walk-in program.

Walk-In Painting Group – Tuesdays at 1 PM
Bring your current painting project to work on. This is an informal group and we’d love to have you join us. This is a walk-in program.

Friends Program Bone Builders Exercise Classes
Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 to 11 AM
This senior exercise program helps strengthen bone, build muscle and improve balance. You can exercise while seated or standing using small hand weights. Classes are held in the Newbury Heights Community Room, 52 Newbury Heights Road, Newbury. This is a walk-in program.

Needlework Craft Group – Wednesdays at 1 to 3 PM
Love to cross stitch, do needlework, quilt, knit or crochet? We do, too! We’d love to chat, laugh, and get to know the folks who enjoy the same hobbies we enjoy. Please join us! This is a walk-in program.

Tai Chi – Wednesdays at 2:30 PM
Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church, New London, NH. This is a walk-in program.

Caregiver Support and Discussion Group – Fourth Thursday at 1:30 PM
There is no instruction manual for being a caregiver! Join this peer-led group to learn tips, strategies and advice from those experiencing the same challenges and rewards. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register.

Women’s Discussion Group – Fridays at 9 AM
Get to know your neighbors over a casual cup of coffee. Join friends, new and old, to visit, chat and share! This is a walk-in program.

Bingo! – Fridays at 2 PM
Ten games for $5. Ten bingo sheets with 6 cards on each sheet. Participants must be 55 years old and older.

Bridge – Duplicate Bridge – Mondays at 12:45 PM and Wednesdays at 9:15 AM
Contract Bridge – Thursdays at 9:30 AM

Poker – Tuesdays at 2 PM
Hand and Foot Card Game– Wednesdays at 1 PM
Mahjong – Thursdays at 12:30 PM

Parkinson’s Support Group – Thursday, March 5th at 1 PM
You are invited to join this lively, welcoming and supportive group! This is a walk-in program.

VNA Foot Care Clinic at COA
Friday, March 1st & March 8th at 9:30 to 1 PM
$25 Please call COA at 526-6368 to schedule an appointment.

Computer Class with Laura Thompson  
Saturday, March 2nd at 9 to 11 AM
(1/2-hour appointments beginning at 9 AM)
Are you looking for answers to questions about basic computer and iPad skills?  Sign up for a one-on-one half hour session by calling 526-6368.

Blood Pressure Clinic
Monday, March 4th at 9:30 AM
This is a walk-in program.

Morning Book Group – Tuesday, March 12th at 9:30 AM
Educated by Tara Westover
A searing, unforgettable memoir about a young girl who, raised by Mormon survivalists in the mountains of Idaho and forbidden to go to school, defies her family and earns a PhD from Cambridge University. This is a walk-in program. Please call COA at 526-6368 to obtain the book.

Gentle Yoga                                        
Tuesdays, March 12th and March 26th from 3 to 4 PM
This wellness class will help you feel better and create a sense of inner calm as we focus on gaining flexibility, strength and balance. We will use yoga mats or chairs while we do yoga poses. At the end of each class there will be a time of relaxation.  Gentle yoga is appropriate for all levels from beginner to experienced. Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register. Carol Filbin, Certified Yoga Teacher

Enjoy a Free 15-Minute Chair Massage
Thursday, March 21st
Appointments beginning at 10 AM
Massages provided by Teresa Colangelo, Licensed Massage Therapist
Please call COA at 526-6368 to schedule an appointment.

Humanist, Agnostic, Atheist Discussion Group
Thursday, March 21st at 1:30 PM
Welcome to those who are interested in delving into a variety of humanist and non-theist topics. We share our knowledge and experiences related to the challenging questions of religions, spirituality, and how they influence our lives. Using reason, critical thinking, and honest examination, we do our best to approach personal truths. Bring your thoughts, your questions, and an open mind, and join our lively, respectful monthly discussions. This is a walk-in program.

Upcoming Programs

Darby Field and the “First” Ascent of Mount Washington – A NH Humanities Presentation
Monday, April 29th at 1 PM at COA
For more than 200 years historians believed that Darby Field made the first climb up Mount Washington in 1642. However, in the last several decades, questions have emerged about his use of Native American guides, about the likelihood of prior ascents by Native Americans, about the route Field may have followed on the mountain, and about whether Field actually made the ascent as claimed. Allen Koop examines how historians reconstruct the “truth” when given scant, vague, and even contradictory evidence. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register.