Save the date! The South Danbury Church Fair is on Saturday, July 27, from 9 AM to 2 PM, rain or shine. This year’s special events are live music from 9:30 to 11 AM with Canyon Run’s Lynda Nelson (who just had a recording session in Nashville) and Chicken Willie. And then at 11 AM, Lynne Monroe, Frank Whittemore, and Mary Lyn Ray will share exciting news about “The Don and Jane Project,” to honor the life and legacy of poets Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon, and to preserve their Eagle Pond Farm.
Auctioneer Doug Windsor will keep everyone laughing at the lively annual auction, after the midday lunch. And naturally there will be the traditional Church Fair features – the Bake Sale (baked beans, too), Homemade Ice Cream, Crafts, Yard Sale, Raffle, and more – and time to meet South Danbury businesses and learn about their wares. Plus, catch up with friends and neighbors after the rough winter, and, ahem … “spring.”
Anyone who needs a ride to attend worship or events can contact us by email or Facebook Messenger to make arrangements. We’ll be happy to help. For more about the South Danbury Church and its activities, follow “Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church” on Facebook, email, or call 603-491-3196.
The South Danbury Church, an Open & Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, is located at 1411 U.S. Route 4 in South Danbury, New Hampshire.
Press Release