Open House at the Tucker Mountain School

Sunday, August 11

By Donna Baker-Hartwell
Stella Tuttle Thompson, great-grandmother of Donna Baker-Hartwell

Open House at the Tucker Mountain School will be held on Sunday, August
11 from 1-3 PM.

Donna Baker-Hartwell will speak about the making of the 2010 video
“Reenactment of a Day in 1887 at the Tucker Mountain School” and how she
discovered that the central figure in the photo that inspired the video is
her great grandmother Stella Tuttle Thompson. The history of the school is
preserved in school/ town reports, two original photos and the original
record book. Visitors will be able to see some of these documents. They are
all part of the Andover Historical Society’s collection. Lemonade and
cookies will be served. Free/ donations are welcomed.