Andover had another great 4th of July celebration. I marched in the parade with the Merrimack County Republicans. The response from the public was very positive.
Thank you to each and every person involved in the Andover 4th of July celebration as I know it is good planning, and tremendous hard work to make a day like this to work.
On August 10, I marched in the Salisbury Old Home Day parade with the Merrimack County Republicans. There are so many great people in the communities with great input and ideas to remedy problems.
On August 15, I got to experience something new and exciting. I was a volunteer at the President Donald Trump rally held in Manchester. Thousands and thousands of people attended the rally. It was great to see and be a part of so many people that support our President.
We all need to thank Governor Sununu for standing up for our Second Amendment rights by vetoing 3 bills passed by the Democrats: HB 109 which in my opinion closed the so-called gun show loophole and required background checks for virtually all commercial firearms sales or transfers; HB 514 which in my opinion would have required a three-day waiting period before the purchase and delivery of a firearm; and HB 564 which prohibits carrying a firearm on school property.
Sununu stated and messaged on all three bills: “New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the nation, and we have a long and proud tradition of responsible firearm ownership. Our laws are well-crafted and fit our culture of responsible gun ownership and individual freedom.”
Governor Sununu stated that, “These three bills would not solve our national issues nor would they prevent evil individuals from doing harm, but they would further restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding New Hampshire citizens.”
We have mental health issues in this Country and in my opinion we all need to sit down and figure out a solution. Not as Democrats and Republicans but as a group of united people with the same common goals.
A couple of my strong points that I bring to a candidacy are that I would vote: NO sales or NO income tax for New Hampshire; I am PRO 2nd Amendment and am a strong advocate to keep this right.
In conclusion, I am very strong on 2nd Amendment rights. Each of us has the right to bear arms and is protected in the United States Constitution.
I do not stand for nor will ever stand for socialism, rather I am for a free market. I do not want our Country to ever become like Venezuela is today. First the government took their guns, then changed the policies to socialism. Look where the people of Venezuela are today. Give or take a few percentages, about 90% of Venezuela are poor.