Andover Conservation Commission Approved Minutes July 17, 2019

By Jesse Schust

Andover Conservation Commission
July 17, 2019
Approved Minutes

Present: Tina Cotton, Lee Wells, Jerry Hersey, Jesse Schust

We postponed review of the June minutes until the next meeting.

Correspondence –
-Ausbon Sargent monitoring reports of 2018 for easements held in Andover
-DES letter concerning possible wetlands violation on 200 Emery Rd.
-ASLPT Chatter Summer 2019
-FEMA letter to Andover Select Board about proposed flood map updates (with new risk data)

ASLPT update:
Jesse mentioned a landowners workshop event is planned for Bradford on September 12, 2019.  This workshop will be designed to educate landowners who may be interested in considering putting part of their land into a conservation easement through a land trust.

Andover Events:
The Andover Conservation Commission sponsored a Forestry Workshop on June 29th with Tim Fleury, Tim Wallace and Steve Lord.  On the day, it looked like the event might get rained out, but the weather held. People from Andover and one Salisbury resident attended the workshop.

Beacon Articles:
The July issue included two articles (both by Lee) –  a Lake Smart article to highlight the upcoming event and an article about the new Conservation Commission website.  Upcoming articles will include Alan’s article about both Bats and Beavers (using information from recent ACC events).  Lee is planning a further article about Lake Smart with more information about protecting Andover’s water bodies and participating in their new program.  Jenny will be creating an article about protecting wetlands.

Bog Pond Mapping:
Jesse and Alan posted the wetland boundary in the vicinity of the Snowmobile trail and the 2016 gravel/ sand/ stone material excavation by the Highway Department.  They plan to post the remaining wetland boundary in the fall when there are fewer mosquitos. There are a few places where metal posts will be needed to secure signs, but these are not essential to complete immediately (the line of the boundary is apparent).  The mapping of Bog Pond vicinity with QGIS is going well, and Jesse is close to having completed a map that shows important features (location of wetland boundary, route of planned cell tower access road, planned cell tower pad and tower, snowmobile trail route, and locations of buildings and excavation work).  He is having difficulty with using the QGIS software to generate some buffer features, and has plans to seek assistance from Wilmot Conservation Commission chair Liz Harper.

Highland Lake Loons:
Jenny reports that there are two loon chicks on Highland Lake.

Co-occurrence map:
Alan and Jesse are working on this and plan to check in with Harvey Pine who may be able to help us to generate a new version of this.

Wetlands Ordinance Update:
Mary Anne and Tina exchanged emails about potential draft language.  The results were shared with people present at the meeting. We will review progress at next meeting.

Water Quality meeting:
Lake Smart Program on Saturday July 20th at 4pm at the HUB.  Lee will help set up and meet with presenter. Notification of workshop has been sent to numerous email groups, put on bulletin board, sent to CC chairs and Andover Boards and flyers put up.

White Oak Pit –
There is no news at the moment.

Jerry made a motion to adjourn and Jesse seconded this with all in favor.  The meeting finished at 8:50 PM.