AE/MS held its 10th Annual School based Flu Clinic in cooperation with the New Hampshire Immunization Program and the Capital Area Public Health Network on October 4.
One hundred children from kindergarten to eighth grade participated in this free and convenient clinic.
The best way to protect against the flu and its severe complications is the get the flu vaccine each year. Anyone can get the flu, but rates of infection are highest among children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone six months of age and older get the flu shot.
Take the time to talk to your children about washing their hands often, coughing into their sleeve
or tissue, not sharing their personal items (such as chapstick, drinks, and food) and keeping their
hands out of their mouths, nose, and eyes.
Please remember: If your child is sick and comes down with a fever, do not send her or him to
school. Keep your sick child home for at least 24 hours after the fever goes away. Your child can
come back to school after her or his temperature returns to normal for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.