Andover Select Board Approved Minutes October 7, 2019

By Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary

Meeting convened at 6:30 PM
PRESENT: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Chuck Keyser, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn and Bill Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Police Chief Joe Mahoney.
Also present were:  John Whyte, Ray Kelso, Donna Baker-Hartwell, Brad Hartwell, and Lynn Cox

ROAD AGENT REPORT by John Thompson
Street Signs – The new signs have been picked up.
Last Street Bridge – Thompson met with Josif from Hoyle Tanner last week about finishing up the corner header.
Shirley and Poplar Streets Project – The perk test was done last Tuesday. The water dropped 12” in 2.5 minutes.
Roy received the project plan today. All aggregate is in town. Only labor and equipment are needed for the project now.
Sam Hill Road – This road has been difficult to snow plow so the hot top has been taken off to repair the road. A resident is concerned about drainage and that water will not impede and flow into the Right of Way. The resident marked the area of concern. Thompson assured the resident the work will not come close to what is marked off.
Flaghole Road – Roy told the Board that Wood Sutton came into Town Hall last week and would like to know what the plan is to take care of this road. Sutton would like a plan so that this road is not forgotten. The Board and Thompson agreed there are several areas of this road that need attention. The initial repair will be at the Town Line. There is another area of concern near a pond. The Board and Thompson are unsure which pond area it is so they will go out to look at it. Thompson will go out tomorrow and speak with the residents in that area. Afterwards, the Board and Thompson will develop a plan to have the road work done in sections.
Beach House and Cemeteries – The water will be drained and closed up for the year.
Snow Plow Contractor List – Thompson gave a list to Roy earlier today.
Shaw Hill Road – Asphalt reclaim will be put on the road before the Broshek property.
New Employee – He started today and already has his Commercial Driver License.
Winter Salt – Roy handed Thompson some information from different companies and their pricing from what she received so far. The town needs four tons of salt for the winter. Thompson explained that “rock” salt is better than sea salt. Roy will contact the company with the lower price tomorrow to make sure it is “rock” salt and not sea salt.

Blinn made the motion to accept and approve the September 16, 2019 minutes as amended. Bill Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The September 16, 2019 minutes are approved as amended.
Elita Reed, Bookkeeper, and Roy have been working on the budget. All financial reports have been submitted to the State. The tax rate should be set around mid-October. All department heads will present their budgets either on October 21 or November 4.
As the Health Officer, Roy had occasion to check on a daycare that the Department of Health and Human Services had concerns about because several children had rashes and bites.
Chuck Keyser stated that he spoke with Arch Weather, Budget Committee Chair about setting up work sessions with the Board. After discussion, the Board made a tentative work session date of Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 6 PM. Chuck Keyser will check with Weathers to see if that is agreeable.
Chuck Keyser asked Roy if Steve from Irwin’s got back to her with a cost for a one-ton truck to lease. The price is needed by October 14.

The Board took a formal vote to take $1,800 from the Recreation Committee Budget to pay for the tree cutting at Highland Lake Beach by the bath houses.
Chuck Keyser – YES Dave Blinn – YES Bill Keyser – YES

Intent to Cut State-Ragged Mountain Forest-Meadowlark Lane (76 acres)      Map 19-424-238 Signed by all three Select Board Members
Intent to Cut Proctor Academy (268 acres)         Map 18-840-096 Signed by all three Select Board Members
Yield Tax Martin Haley – 289 Currier Road     Map 3-632-550   $ 183.93 Signed by all three Select Board Members
Yield Tax Jason Bisson – 24 Stewart Street       Map 3-819-452     $ 414.25  Signed by all three Select Board Members
Avitar Five-Year Assessor’s Agreement for January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024

Baker-Hartwell spoke to the Board on behalf of the 23 residents of Tucker Mountain Road who signed a request for the Board to cease the logging operation until 7 AM.
Baker-Hartwell stated that since September 3, 2019 it has been a disturbance to the young families. Trucks start going down first thing in the morning, along with chippers being used that early. Baker Hartwell questioned why the logging operation does not abide by the Andover Noise Ordinance. 

Baker-Hartwell went on to say that for the past ten years the neighborhood has been quite tolerant during these logging operations. Baker-Hartwell stated that the noise is an infringement on the peace and quiet of the neighborhood of twenty homes. Initially, the noise started at 5 to 5:15 AM.  However, since the police chief spoke to the loggers, they now start at 6 to 6:15AM. Baker-Hartwell stated that 7 AM is a more appropriate time to start logging.

Baker-Hartwell would like the Select Board to look at where the logging operations are taking place before they permit it in a residential area, and consider what time of day the loggers can start logging. Baker-Hartwell questioned why the Board would sign a permit giving the loggers permission to log there without considering what time they start operations.

Ray Kelso indicated that this is a temporary operation and falls under the Agricultural rules that allow the loggers to work 24/7 because they are confined by the weather and the conditions of the road. Keslo explained other confinements such as needing to get two loads to the mill in a day, and without starting early, that would not take place. The closest mill is 112 miles away.

Police Chief Mahoney sought advice from the Merrimack County Attorney Office. Roy read the letter from that office out loud. Please see attached. 

The Board took it under advisement. Roy will do research tomorrow and contact the appropriate parties with the information. The Board voted to allow the project to continue as it has been doing, without any further restrictions. After Roy gathers the information and meets with the Board a decision will be made for future logging operations on Tucker Mountain Road.

The Board entered into Non-Public Session at 7:52 PM by Roll Call Vote:
Chuck Keyser     YES   Dave Blinn YES Bill Keyser YES
Chuck Keyser excused Moyer at 7:52 PM. Roy will take the minutes for the Non-Public Session.