At the end of October, we held our Creepy Crawl 5K Fundraiser. Thank you to the many area businesses who were event sponsors, and to all of you who came out to run or walk the course. Even with the rainy weather, our event was a success. We have high hopes that one of these years we will get a sunny day for the Creepy Crawl!
November brought us our first bit of SNOW! Although it melted away in only a day, we were so excited to watch it falling, and couldn’t wait to get out there and make snow angels and snowballs! We are anxiously awaiting the next storm; we have our sleds ready and plans for snowmen and snow forts.
In the classroom we have been learning about animals and winter; which ones hibernate, which ones migrate, and which ones adapt and stick it out for our hard New Hampshire winters. Our dramatic play area went from an ice cream shop to a pizza shop, and now is a bakery. We have been observing some amazing building going on with magnatiles and Legos, as well as some creative artists at work.
In December we are looking forward to our Grandparents’ Day celebration as well as our classroom holiday party. Who knows… maybe Santa will even stop by!
Happy Holidays from all of us at EAVP!