On Friday, February 7, the Andover Energy Group (AEG) will show the 2018 film “Paris to Pittsburgh” at The Andover Community Hub, starting at 6:30 PM, with pizza and beverages provided. “Paris to Pittsburgh” was produced by National Geographic, using the tag line “the climate for change is now” to bring to life the impassioned efforts of individuals who are battling the most severe threats of climate change in their own backyards.
Set against the national debate over the energy future of the United States — and the decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement — the film captures what’s at stake for communities around the country and the inspiring ways Americans are responding to the challenge.
The AEG is sponsoring this film and a short discussion afterwards to encourage Andover residents to think about what they can do as individuals to lower their use of fossil fuels. The AEG also hopes to focus attention on efforts to pass a petition warrant article at Andover’s Town Meeting on March 10 in support of the Carbon Cash-Back initiative (NH House Bill 735) currently being developed by the state legislature.
For more information on this important initiative and the supporting warrant article, see the related article elsewhere in this issue of The Andover Beacon.
Press release