Andover Planning Board Approved Minutes, December 10, 2019

By Nancy Teach

Planning Board Minutes
December 10, 2019

Members present: Nancy Teach, Chair; Art Urie, Vice-Chair; Randy Monti; Doug Phelps; John Hodgson; David Powers; Donna Duclos, Alternate and Dave Blinn, Ex-Officio

Also present: Pat Moyer, Planning & Zoning Administrator; Paul Currier; Robin Boynton; Ken Guillemette; Susan Schnare; Jim and Karen Hanson; Robin Wilterdink; Karen Brule; Jeffrey S. Newcomb; Joseph Schmidt (of Salisbury), Andy Prokasch

Teach opened the meeting at 7 PM.

Minutes of November 11, 2019
Urie – Motion to approve as amended
Blinn – Second
Vote – Unanimous to approve

White Oak Lot Line Adjustment
Blinn outlined the history behind the White Oak property and explained that the adjustment was to document the property line between Heaton’s property (2.201 Acres) and the White Oak parcel (10.435 Acres). A motion was made to approve the adjustment by Powers, seconded by Phelps and passed with Blinn abstaining.

Public Hearing Continuation – Jon & Joan Champagne, Chris Champagne, and Jeff & Kelly Raymond for a Site Plan Review for the installation of a gravel and stone excavation and sales business at 235 Salisbury Highway and 424 Bay Road in Andover, NH  Tax Map 4, Lots 443/37, 507;61 and 493:37 in the FA District.
Teach informed the Board that GZA estimated the completed report would be delivered on January 3, 2020. At the Public Hearing on September 24, 2019 the Champagne’s agreed to grant the Planning Board, a 90-day extension on the 65-day decision time clock under RSA 676:4 for a third-party review before making a final decision. The 90-day extension expires on December 23, 2019. Once the Board receives GZA’s recommendations on January 3rd, the Board will need time to review it and allow the public to comment on it further. After discussion, the Board agreed to request a further 50-day extension on the 65-day decision time clock under RSA 676:4 from the Champagne’s bringing it to February 11th. Moyer will contact Town Counsel for advice to negotiate with the Champagne on the further extension.
The Board voted to continue the Champagne Public Hearing until January 14, 2020.

Public Hearing Concerning Extension of Andover and Cilleyville Village District Boundaries
The hearing was opened at 7:30 p.m.
Phelps announced that the proposed zoning boundary change effects property he owns and therefore has recused himself from playing a role in the hearing.

Paul Currier presented the current and proposed map of the Andover Center Village District Zone to the attendees.

The board was asked why the change was being proposed. Urie replied that the intent of the change was to promote the concentration of growth in the village with requirements for smaller lot sizes, and would give a greater opportunity for small businesses to locate in the Village Zone.
Currier then presented the current and proposed boundary of the Cilleyville Village zone.

A short discussion followed with one attendee (Guillemette) stating that he opposed any changes. Another attendee (Schnare) stated that the fields east of Cilleyville Rd near Potter Place are beautiful and should be left out of the zone. An attendee (Boynton) thanked the board for their sensitivity to those who objected in last year’s two hearings.

The hearing was closed at 8 PM. 

There being no further discussion, Phelps made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM.  Urie seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of adjourning at 8:30 PM.

Submitted by,

Doug Phelps